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Fact or Opinion? True or False?
11 responses
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Survey of ideas on fact and opinion.
Every statement is sincerely believed by the speaker.
The sun circles the Earth, which is at the centre of the universe.
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The sun circles the Earth, which is at the centre of the universe.
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The Earth circles the sun, which is the centre of our solar system.
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The Earth circles the sun, which is the centre of our solar system.
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2 + 2 = 4
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2 + 2 = 4
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2 + 2 = 5
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2 + 2 = 5
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Barack Obama is now president of the United States.
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Barack Obama is now president of the United States.
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Barack Obama was president of the United States in 2014.
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Barack Obama was president of the United States in 2014.
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Reminder: Every statement is sincerely believed by the speaker.
As you do this survey, there are 18 chairs in room A1.
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As you do this survey, there are 18 chairs in room A1.
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Killing people for fun is morally wrong.
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Killing people for fun is morally wrong.
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Killing people by law for dealing drugs is morally wrong.
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Killing people by law for dealing drugs is morally wrong.
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Up to five months, the law of every country should allow abortion on request.
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Up to five months, the law of every country should allow abortion on request.
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Slavery is normally morally acceptable.
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Slavery is normally morally acceptable.
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Slavery was morally acceptable in the United States in 1820.
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Slavery was morally acceptable in the United States in 1820.
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We should not use alcohol.
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We should not use alcohol.
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Burger King fries taste better than McDonalds fries.
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Burger King fries taste better than McDonalds fries.
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Smoking should be illegal in restaurants.
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Smoking should be illegal in restaurants.
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