Infant Sleep Safety Brochure Download
API is committed to informing parents about the care of children, including sleep safety--emotionally and physically. We invite you to please help API distribute Infant Sleep Safety brochures to as many families as possible. API wants every family to be aware of these guidelines, no matter where their baby sleeps, and we believe we can have a significant impact working together.

After you fill in the information, you will be redirected to a page with links to download brochures.

You may choose to download and print a color or black and white brochure and we ask that you let us know how you will be distributing it.

There is space on the front of the brochure to include your organization's contact information.

Our objective is to get the information where it is most needed and we appreciate your help distributing to hospitals, childbirth centers, and health departments. Please visit this page again to add additional distribution points, re-submitting data for each different group. This information will help API report on the impact of this initiative.

In addition, please consider a donation to cover the cost of the brochures or for shipping and handling so API may print and distribute more brochures.

Thank you for supporting families and API's mission of infant sleep safety.
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Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Postal Code
Number of brochures distributing? *
Audience description *
Self, family, childbirth class, parenting class, health department, library, babywearing group, La Leche League meeting?
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