Distance Learning Check-In
Hello learners! I'd like to hear from YOU. How are you doing? Please complete the daily check-in so we can stay in touch. I miss you and would love to hear about your time at home.
ID Number/Lunch ID *
First and Last Name *
How are you feeling today?   *
Do you need any of the following? Mark all that apply
I am interested in joining: Check all that apply:
If you know your Parent/Guardian phone number please include it here: ie Mom 504-874-7845 Grandma 876-987-2483
If you know your Parent/Guardian email address please include it here: ie Mom mom@gmail.com Grandma@gmail.com
What is an activity or something you will do today for self-care?
Do you have a teacher or staff member that you feel you could talk to if you needed to?
ຢ່າສົ່ງລະຫັດຜ່ານໃນ Google Forms.
ແບບຟອມນີ້ຖືກສ້າງຂື້ນພາຍໃນ Portland Public Schools. ລາຍງານການນຳໃຊ້ທີ່ບໍ່ເໝາະສົມ