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Proteomics Dataset Description Form
Use this form to describe proteomics data provided for loading into VEuPathDB databases.
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What is the title of your experiment?  
The title should provide a clear summation of the experiment.
Provide a brief description of this dataset.
How would you like to describe your dataset to people visiting the VEuPathDB sites?
Provide the name and contact information for the investigator(s) involved in this project.
Indicate the Principle Investigator, primary author and collaborators. Provide a name, address, phone number and email for each.
Is this data associated with a Publication?
Please provide the PMID.
Sample Preparation
What is the name of the organism that is the source of the samples?
Please use the full scientific name and strain.
Please list samples analyzed for this dataset.
What experimental factors varied between samples?
Provide a brief overview of the experimental design or strategy explaining factors like  incubation time, treatment, genetic modification, life stage...
Briefly describe your sample preparation methods.
Are your samples whole cell lysates, subcellular fractions, enriched for phosphopeptides, etc?
MS Aquisition and Analysis
Briefly describe the sample analysis pipeline used to generate mass spec data.
electrophoresis? LC-MS/MS?
What software and databases were used to for peptide discovery?
How many proteins did you identify?
Is this data quantitative?
Please describe the quantitative aspects of the data such as abundance or phosphorylation sites.
List the data files you are providing and indicate how they relate to the samples described above.
Please provide a description of each data file, including an explanation of columns unless column identity is obvious from the file itself.
Has this data been submitted to an archive?
Please provide accession numbers.
Is there a version number that you would like us to use for your dataset?
We will amend your version number with the date that you submit this form. If you do not submit a version number for your dataset, we will assign a version number to your dataset for use on our sites.
Which genome should this data be aligned to?
Please use the full scientific name and strain, e.g. Toxoplasma gondii ME49.
Is there additional information that is important for understanding this data and how to analyze it?
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