Application to Recap 2017
We are now receiving applications.
The final application deadline is March 20th, 2017 at 23:59 pm CEST.

Thank you for showing an interest in ReCaP!

You are invited to apply to the Refugee Camp Project of 2017 sponsored by International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW). The objective of the Refugee Camp Project is to provide motivated medical students with a four week summer experience of living in the West Bank while learning about the Israeli- Palestinian conflict and the challenges of delivering healthcare under occupation. For further information on the ReCaP program, please visit our website:

Please read carefully the admission information provided below before applying to ReCaP. Regular updates about the admission process can be found on our Facebook page: 

For any questions you may have concerning ReCaP, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

We wish you the best of luck in applying to ReCaP 2017!


Participation in the ReCaP project is limited to students who meet the following criteria.

Applicants are current medical students who:

have completed at least two years of full-time study towards the completion of a (bachelor’s or first) degree in medicine
have good working knowledge of the English language
are available for the provided program dates
are committed to not only fully engaging in the four week program but also to assisting with the organization of next year’s project
are able to support themselves financially during the four week program (noting that while housing and transport are provided for by ReCaP, cost of flights, food and personal trips are the responsibility of the participant)
have a valid international passport or are able to attain one before the starting date of the project
have not previously participated in ReCaP

Note: Priority is given to medical students who have entered the clinical phase of their studies. This is however not a requirement and we encourage students of all study levels who meet the stated eligibility criteria to apply for the program.

How to apply:

Complete the online application form provided on this page by filling in all required fields and submit your application by clicking on the ‘enter’ box.
Please be aware that this is a competitive program. We strongly encourage you to put time and care into filling in the provided application form. Please note that the motivations of the applicant are heavily weighted in the selection process.
The deadline for submitting an application is March 20th, 2017 at 23:59 pm CEST.
Selection process:
Students are selected by the Project Coordinators based on an assessment of each student’s application. Please be aware that we receive many applications each year and that unfortunately we are only able to accept a small, select amount of students into our program.
All applicants will be notified by email of the Coordinators’ decisions on their application by April 15th, 2017.

The Refugee Camp Project welcomes applications from qualified candidates of all nationalities and backgrounds to apply.

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Personal Information
Full Name *
Date of birth *
Gender *
Address for correspondance
Email address *
Country of residence *
Country of passport issue *
Languages spoken
Where did you hear about the Recap Project?
Education Information
Name of University *
Course, course length and current year of study *
Previous courses (if applicable)
Academic Statement
What are your main motivations to participate in this project? *
(Max 300 words)
What do you expect to find when you come to the West Bank? What are your expectations regarding the activities you will undertake during the program and what do you expect to gain by participating? *
(Max 300 words)
 What could you bring to the project? *
e.g. ideas, attributes, past experiences, skills (Max 400 words)
What skills and ideas do you have for organising and improving the ReCaP project for the following year? *
e.g. creative or organisational skills, ideas and skills for promotion (photography/ web design) (Max 200 words)
The ReCaP project is an opportunity for you to educate yourself about the conflict and its effects on health in Palestine. We expect that you put your knowledge and experience to action upon completion of the project. How would you use and/ or spread your ReCaP experience once you return home? *
(Max 200 words)
Organising and improving the project for the following year is a key part of ReCap. Can you confirm you will be able to commit to the time required for this task? *
Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions associated with participation in the Refugee Camp Project. Participation in ReCaP is conditioned on your acceptance and appliance with these Terms and Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, *
I confirm that I am a medical student, defined as a student enrolled at a medical school who is training to become a physician. I confirm that I shall attend the full duration of the project provided above. I am aware that the language of communication during the project is English and I confirm that I am sufficiently fluent in spoken English to understand and undertake the deliberations associated with the project. I understand that neither the ReCaP Organizing Committee nor IPPNW shall be held responsible in any way in case of accident, theft or injury affecting me or inflicted by me during the duration of the project. I agree that in case of any illness or hospitalization affecting me, I solely shall be responsible for covering the expenses related to the above without holding the organizers responsible in any way. I agree to procure and maintain insurance providing comprehensive coverage for the full duration of the project. I consent to adhering to the instructions of the organizers and I confirm that I will not hold the organizers responsible for any problems during the time period extending the project occurring due to non-compliance of their advice. I agree that I shall respect and abide by the rules and laws of the host country.
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