PDC Post Concert Student Choreography Reflection
If you choreographed a dance in the concert, answer these questions about your piece.
If you did not choreograph, you can choose a dance you collaboratively choreographed in and answer the questions as if it was your dance.
If you did not choreograph, you can choose any of the student-choreographed dances, and answer the questions as if it was your dance.
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What is your NAME? *
What was successful about your piece? *
What part of your dance was the strongest technically? and WHY? *
What part of your dance was the strongest choreographically?  and WHY? *
If you could start over from the beginning choreographing your dance, what would you do differently? *
Why would this make a difference?
What was the least successful part of your dance or what was the weakest part?  Why do you think it was unsuccessful or weak? *
Rate how well your choice of music enhanced your piece.   *
5 means it fit perfectly and enhanced the choreography, 1 means it distracted from or did not fit the choreography.
Rate how well your choice of costumes enhanced your piece.  
5 means it fit perfectly and enhanced the choreography, 1 means it distracted from or did not fit the choreography.
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Rate how well your choice of lighting and stage design enhanced your piece. *
5 means it fit perfectly and enhanced the choreography, 1 means it distracted from or did not fit the choreography.
How well did you dancers know the dance? *
1 is poor, 5 is very well.
If you were to ask an observer one question about your choreography, what would it be? *
Describe the intent of your piece. *
Would the audience know what your dance was about if there was no music, no costumes, no title or explanation in the program? *
Can the movement and choreography be strong enough to stand on its own?  WHY?  Defend your answer.
Would you want to work on this dance again (any time in your lifetime), seeing it as a final draft? *
1 = No, 5 = YES!
If you were given another semester to re-work this dance so it could be performed again, what would you do? *
Where would you change or adapt the choreography?  Would you lengthen anything or cut anything?  How can you make the piece say what it needs to say?
What problem-solving skills did you have to utilize?   *
What was the problem and what did you do to work around it or fix it?
What did you learn from this experience choreographing and putting on a concert? *
How has or will this experience make you a better person or change how you do or see things?  What life lessons can you take away from this?
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