Fisheries PhD 3-year post graduation survey
This survey information will be used in program review/improvement discussions.
Your name will not be associated with your survey answers.
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Last Name *
First Name *
1. After graduation, did you seek employment in the field of fisheries or a closely related field? *
If yes, were you successful in your search for a professional position?
Were you employed within one year of graduation?
Did your Fisheries degree adequately prepare you for this position?
2. After graduation, did you apply for a position in academia? *
If yes, were you successful in your application?
Did your Fisheries degree adequately prepare you for this program?
3. Please list the title of your current position AND place of employment. *
ie Biometrician, ADF&G
4. Is your position Fisheries-related? *
5. Is your position: *
6. Are you currently residing in Alaska? *
7. Have you published manuscript(s) based on your dissertation research? *
How many of these publications list you as first author? *
How many of these publications were peer-reviewed? *
Please list these publications: *
8. How satisfied were you with your overall educational and the professional preparation provided by your degree program in Fisheries? *
If you were not satisfied with your degree program, what deficiencies can you identify?
9. What specific courses and specific skills that you were taught during your Fisheries program were the most useful to you?
10. What specific courses and specific skills that were not taught would have been the most useful to you?
11. Do you have any other comments regarding your educational experience?
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