DateHoursWhat I DidTotal Hours
8/6/20153 HoursOn friday the 6th I worked with speech therapist, Veronica. I just observed her as she worked with her clients. From time to time the children would look at me and smile and I would smile back and they would try and ask who I was but I never said anything because I didn't want to disrupt Veronica. All I did that day was watch Veronica work with her three different clients. 3 Hours
8/13/20153 HoursOn Friday the 13th I worked with speech therapist David. Again, I mostly just sat and observed. Sometimes David would ask me to bring the child a new toy to play with or would ask me to ask the child a question to see if they would respond. Observation plays a key role because it's a new therapist so I needed to/was able to see the differences between Veronica and David. 6 Hours
8/20/20154 hours On Friday the 20th I made house call appointments around Los Angeles and hospital appointments with Sara. Sara is the only speech therapist at the business allowed to handle LA children and Hospital children. I got to sit in the car with her and drive around with her and see the way the children and parents react when she walks through the door. Again, I just observed. Being out of the office and being in someone's home was an entirely different experience and all I could really do was watch everything happen. 10 Hours
12/10/20153 Hours On December 10th of 2015, I observed SLPA Alejandra for all 3 hours. With a 2 year old clients she played picture word bingo,had the client's sister and had her own daughter in the room while doing the session, used cards for an association activity, made sure the client was involved with the cleaning up process, and then played an IPad game with the client. With a 4 year old client it was a bilingual session and the client's mother and brother were in the room. The client kept saying "No!" to everything so the SLPA moved on to playing with the little brother to hopefully tempt the client into cooperating. Then when the client wanted to get involved the SLPA used big and small versions of toys and taught in spanish and english, ex. "Big mom, small baby, grand mama, chiquito bebe". And with another 2 year old client, the client was in a high chair. The client didn't know his own name so that was a big concern for the parents. Client also doesn't say anything really and doesn't really pay attention to Alejandra s Alejandra began to sing her words "big bull, little bull!". Then the SLPA proceeded to sing the ABC'S and then let the client watch, "The Wheels on the Bus" on the IPad. 3 Hours
12/11/20153 Hours On December 11th of 2015, I observed SLPs Alejandra and Veronica. Alejandra had a 3 year old client with the goals of increasing production of regular plurals and the production of verb+ing in 3-4 words sentences. Alejandra used wooden boards that have pictures of something on one side and the corresponding letter on the other and then there are little wooden letters laying about on the table. The client must decide what letter corresponds with the picture. Client had a hard time deciphering between p's,d's, and b's. Then SLPA Veronica had a 5 year old client where she would take away the toys the client was playing with until the client made eye contact and did what she asked her to do. Then Veronica used cards with pictures on them, like the monkey and the fence, the bird and the cage, and would ased the client questions to help the skills of verb+location. Ex. SLPA:" Where is the donkey?" Client: "The donkey is behind the fence. Then Alejandra had a 5 year old client and used "His, hers, and theirs" cards. Then the client was allowed to play with I-Pad because client needed a break. Then during an exercise Alejandra said"Gabe bounced the ball." and the client said, " Annie.... will..." and SLPA doesn't understand if its a problem with processing or a problem with concentration. 6 Hours
12/16/20153 Hours On December 16th, 2015 I observed SLPA David with an 11 year old client. He made conversation with the client to see where the clients speaking level was at and then he did a conjunction worksheet with the client , then he played the question's game so that the client could work on full sentences and then David asked me to answer a question so I could be an example to the client. Then I observed SLPA Veronica with 2 1/2 year on client and she was working on B sounds with the client, like "Baaaa". If the client correctly mimicked her than she would give the client the toy. The Veronica asked me to do some B sounds so the client could hear me do them. The Veronica held up pictures and the client had to say what the picture was about. Then I observed SLP Sara and SLPA Alejandra so an informal assessment on an 8 year old client. Sara has a standardized test for all clients of specific age groups and the client must pass. The Evaluation was of pronouns, memory, and sentence structure and understanding. They also worked on quantity words like, a few, a lot, a little. The client does not focus so the client has a hard time processing.. The client possibly has undiagnosed ADD but the doctor's want to give her time to get older and for the ADD to shine through. 9 Hours
12/18/20153 Hours On December 18th, 2015, I observed SLPA Veronica with a 3 year old client. The client doesn't stay in one place to Veronica had to put the client into a highchair so she could have total control. Client does not follow one step commands, doesn't have eye contact and has two-words phrases sporadically, whenever the client wants. Task completion is hard/problematic. SLPA tried to do a puzzle with the client but ended up just doing it herself. Then I observed David with a 5 year old client. David used the IPad and went to an app the says words that the client would have to repeat.The app was working on specifically words that end in LK, like waLK, and chaLK. The client or rowdy so David moved on from that and went over possessive nouns, regular past-tense and then the client put their head down refusing to work. Then I observed Alejandra with a 3 1/2 year old client. SLPA used different puzzle boards, some with shapes and some with animals. Then SLPA made sure client helped in the cleanup process. When the client wanted a toy the SLPA made sure the client would use full sentences to ask. The SLPA kept repeating questions, over and over, until the client reacted. This client's goals were plurals, verb+ing, and 3 word phrases. SLPA had 5 year old daughter in therapy which provided a model for the client. 12 Hours
12/22/20153 Hours On December 22nd I observed SLPA Alejandra work with 1 brother of twins with down syndrome. Alejandra and the client made lego cupcakes which worked on coordination and then she used her phone for youtube to show pancake manor and she emphasized certain words from the video so that the client could try and pronounce the words himself. Then she used the IPad to go to an app where the client would need to match adjectives to pictures. Then I observed David work with the other brother with down syndrome and they did an auditory directions worksheet. "Find the cat that is under something and color it yellow." Then David did story time and read Goldilocks and the Three Bears stopping occasionally to ask questions like "Who went into the house? What did she decide to do?" and this story time helped with auditory processing as well. Then there a was a video played about the sounds that an animal makes. Then I observed SLPA Alejandra with a 2 1/2 year old whose goals was to be expressive. The client has vocabulary but the client just doesn't use it. The client had cereal but chose to suck on it instead of chewing and then would ask for more cereal before they were finished eating what they already had in their mouth. Client understood words and demands like "Open the box." 15 Hours
12/29/20153 hours On December 29th, 2015, I observed SLPA Veronica with a 2 1/2 year old client. She laid down cards on a table and then asked the client, "Which one do you wear? Which one is an animal?". Then Veronica used big and small versions of toys and the point of this was to help the client eventually be able to properly use words like big and small. Then Veronica used a puzzle board. Client was left being able to choose what toy they wanted to play with and client chose fake food. Therapist would take food while client was turned around to see if the client would question where the food went. Then I observed Veronica with a 4 year old client. They worked on a passive nouns worksheet. Then they worked on an auditory directions worksheet. The client's goal is to use possessive nouns, third person singular words, and regular past tense verbs. Then they did an activity for qualitative words. The therapist asked me what possessive and third person singular nouns were so I could be involved ands helpful. Then I observed SLPA Alejandra with a 10 year old client. It was a new client so Alejandra primarily went over the policies and procedures and goals and targets. That a therapy hour is only 50 minutes and that the client can't read but a goal isn't literacy so they need to figure out how to work that into the sessions. The she talked to the client to see where the client is, how comfortable and advanced or behind the client is. And lastly, talking about the exercises and techniques the client learned at the other clinic. 18 Hours
1/4/20163 Hours On January 4th, 2016 I observed SLPA David with an 8 year old client. David had a conversation with the client first, asking questions and making sure the client is answering. Then david used "The Question" cards. They asked different things in different subjects, like "imagination" and "family". The cards help with conversation tactics. back and forth. Then David used the IPad so an app could tell the client a story and the client had to retell the story. Then I observed Alejandra with a 3 year old client. SLPA brought 5year old daughter into the room so the client has an example to follow. The client is more likely to do what the 5 year old is doing which is good unless the 5 year old gets distracted. SLPA used a hand puppet of a frog that has a book in its mouth. Practicing ing's : lookING, turnING, blowING. Client likes to whisper words when he is corrected about them. Ex. "Cwab." "No, cRab" "Crab"(whisper). Then I observed Alejandra with a 5 year old client. The client's goals were, production of correct sentence structure, phrases with quantity words: a little, a lot, and past tense of regular verbs. The therapist asked, "How many cards do you have in your hand?" and then she would say, "You have a little bit of cards in your hand. Two cards is a little bit. The used cards to work on 3rd person pronouns. "HE gave two roses."21 Hours
1/8/20153 Hours On January 8th, 2016, I observed SLP Alejandra with the twin with down syndrome once again. She was throwing toys in front of the client to keep his attention. She would throw pieces of a train that has letters on them and say the letter as it flew in the air. It pt the client engage David worked on voiceless sounded/entertained/focused. The she would say, "What letter is that? D! And what sound does that make? Da! and what is D for? Dog!" and then she would give the client a small toy dog. This client needed glasses but didn't have them that day so all the toys needed to be held closely in front of his face and things needed to be extra slow that day. Then I observed David with the other brother. David worked on voiceless sounds: C = Ka Ka , and voice sounds: G =Ga Ga. There was milestone. Client held up fingers and counted to 3 all on his own. Then he was helping expand the clients vocabulary by teaching the client to say things phonetically. Then I observed Alejandra with a 2 1/2 year old client. Alejandra used a puzzle boards. Client will talk to other children but hardly to the therapist. SLPA was trying to make client count puzzle pieces and then let client blow bubbles because it helps with mouth movement. It helps in general as an oral motor exercise. Client should be using verbs but is only really using nouns. Then SLPA made sure client was involved in the cleanup process. 24 Hours
1/10/20162 Hours On January 10th, 2016, I observed SLPA Alejandra with a 15 year old client. She asked patient how school life was, just to have a conversation and to see where the client was conversationally. One of the goals the client has is conversation turn taking. The did a worksheet that worked on sentences: Compound, subject, specifics, and complete. Then SLPA did "The Questions" cards game and made sure that when the client answered that the client used as many details as possible because that was another goal for the client. The Alejandra asked me a question so I could show an example. Then I watched David with an 11 year old client. David made sure to make conversation with the client, "What did you do this weekend?". David didn't move on from that until the client responded with at least 4 sentences. Then they moved on to a worksheet about connecting words, like couldn't, until, and that. David wanted to make sure he was teaching correctly so he went to get the answer key. The they did "The questions" card activity. The client was giggling a lot but besides that was very shy and unresponsive. 26 Hours
1/13/20162 Hours On January 13th, 2016, I observed SLP Veronica with a 3 year old client. Veronica would say, "Look at me! BB, BA, BA, BA!" to make sure the client was paying attention. Then she started naming different toys and emphasizing different letters to help with articulation and expansion of vocabulary, like "Apple, Ball." Veronica made sure to emphasize eye contact because that's important but the client doesn't have any. Then she had me ask "What is this?"to see if he would acknowledge another person but he did not. Then I observed David with a 5 year old client. This client was hyperactive, he had his own teddy and was constantly distracted by anything and everything. Client can speak fluently and isn't shy. David used cards to work on plurals but he still needs to figure out how to work on the client's 3rd person singular problem. Then he did an "Understanding inference fun deck" card activity. Then I observed SLPA Alejandra with a 13 year old. Client is autistic. They needed to work on conjunction and transition words and compound sentences. They also worked on prepositions. The client wanted to be very independent. The client was smart but very distracted. Also needs to work on appropriate vs. inappropriate things to say during a conversation. 28 Hours
1/14/20162 Hours On January 14th, 2016, I observed SLPA David with a 3 year old client. They worked on putting pieces of a puzzle together. Therapist had client repeating phrases to work on ending F sounds. "Deputy and sheriFF." "TelegraPH wire."The client's goal is only articulation. Then David used the IPad to go to an app where it was saying phrases so the client could work on ending F sounds again. The the app started saying words to work on R blends. Client was coloring the entire session because it helped client be more comfortable and also distracted the client but kept the client in the same spot the entire time. Then I observed SLPA Veronica with an 8 1/2 year old client. They were working on R's, S's, and fluency because client has "bumpy speech".Then client and SLPA played a matching card game with full phrases like, "I am walking the dog." and the match would be, "The dog is walking by me." The client used to not try and sound out words but now the client does and that s a big milestone in therapy. Therapist would say words that the client had to repeat, "librarian, convertible, thermometer,ballerina,etc." so that client could work on 3 syllabic words with R's. Client pronounces R's like W's if client does not take their time and is careful. 30 Hours
3/15/20166 Hours I watched a 6 hour video titled, "Childhood Apraxia of speech: Differential Diagnosis & Treatment.". The objectives of the seminar sre to be able to identify key charactaristics of CAS, difeferentially diagnose aparaxia from phonological delay and other communication disorders, explain three of the otor learning principles and how they apply to treatment of child with CAS, plan treatment for child,implement treatment for child using dynamic tactile and temporal cuing, and tpo explain how literacy is often impacted in the children with CAS.6 Hours
3/27/20166 Hours I watched a 6 hour video titled, "Play Therapy.". The objectives of the seminar are to be able to explain the purpose and goals of play therapy, implement specific and easy play therapy techniques for specific parenting issues, use play therapy as a diagnostic tool and interpret what you see, determine which play therapy technoques to use with different children and different presenting problems, address change to issues to be aware of the areas of caution including selecting the best materials depending on the presenting materials, and to demonstrate how to use these techniques in a variety of settings including group play therapy. 12 Hours
3/30/20166 Hours I watched a 6 hour video called, "Evidence-based iPad Interventions for Speech-Language & Special Education Services." The objectives are the seminar are to be able to describe the key educational and field-specific impacts of the ipad, evaluate ipad applications using and application rubric, demonstrate the use of the ipad applications for specific speech-language pathology diorder categories with consideration of universal design for learning principles, demonstrate effective teaching approaches for all learners and professional, access evidence to support use of ipad applications, select and evaluate ipad applications and connect them to exsiting evidence, and to identify key essentioals o fth eipad and the process of managing apps. 18 Hours
4/2/20166 Hours I watched a 6 hour video titled, "Beyond Traditional Articulation Therapy." The objecttives o fhtis seminar are to be abke to differentiate and describe the latest methods in technology-based biofeedback approaches, identify the treatment of populations best served by technology-based approaches, employ step-by-step technology-bawed treatment programs from intake to discharge, tailor technology-based biofeedback treatment programs to a variety of populations, involve parents/caregivers effectively in the therapy process form day one, and to apply software-based case management and data collection to therapy right away. 24 Hours
4/3/20166 HoursI watched a 6 hour recorded seminar called, "Multi sensory Interventions for Speech, Languages and Early Literacy." The objectives of this seminar are to be bale ot describe hte rationale for using manipulative-based approach tp speecvh and literacy foundation skills, demonstrate multisensory strategies to support phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge and phoneme-grapheme, describe and prioritize language-based areas of importancein supporting reading comprehension and decoding skills, use puppets and props to develope narrative structurer and a variety of language concepts, create personailzed stories and poems to imporive students' language skills while maximizing engagement, and to develope an action plan for implementation of new strategies scross school-to-home-setting. 30 Hours
4/10/20166 Hours I watched a 6 hours seminar titled, "Visual Processing Therapy." The objectives of this seminar are to be able to define vision and discuss the ability to interpret and understan what is seen, describe the role of various visual functions as they relate to reading and learning disabilities, summarize the role vision plays in the development o fverbal skills, implement screening strategies to better identifiy individuals with vision disorder, outline skeffingtion's four cicles and describe their importance for therapy, and to identify and describe four ways to modify visual development. 36 Hours
4/19/20162 Hours I watched a 2 hour seminar called, "Practical Treatment Strategies for School-Age Children Who Stutter.". The objectives of the seminar are to be able to design efficient and effective diagnostic evaluations of school-age children who stutter, select appropriate treatment strategies fo rhelping children who stutter speach more easily, and to write meaningful object treatment goals and benchmarks and document progress in treatment. 38 Hours