About this Tool

This alignment resource is intended to support systems leaders in identifying how the MTSS data collection tools: Successful Schools Survey, PPS FIT Assessment and CR-TFI are aligned.

The Successful Schools Survey gauges students’ perceptions about a number of climate-related topics. The data can be used formatively to support students, and it can be used to gauge the effectiveness of Tier 1 support for a school. Please note that the Successful School Survey also includes a staff perception data set and a family perception data set. For the purposes of this alignment resource, the student perception data is leveraged as the SSS anchor data set aligned to the CR-TFI and the FIT. You can see how SSS survey items are aligned across the student, staff, and family data sets by viewing the tab that shows thematic alignment within the SSS.

The Fidelity of Implementation Tool (FIT) is an evidence-based tool that measures the extent to which a school implements MTSS for equity-based inclusive education. It can be considered an inventory of current practice.

The purpose of the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is to provide a valid, reliable, and efficient measure of the extent to which school personnel are applying the core features of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (SWPBIS). The TFI items used here have been augmented to include indicators that align with culturally responsive teaching practices (internal to Portland Public Schools). This augmented tool is referred to as Culturally Responsive Tiered Fidelity Inventory (CR-TFI)


The alignment matrices are intended to show connections across the Successful Schools Survey topics and questions, FIT and CR-TFI items. It is important to note that there is not a perfect or 1:1 correspondence between survey items and FIT and CR-TFI items. Each tab contains a separate matrix organized with the anchor tool in the first column. The secoundary tools follow in the columns after. To support in making the alignment clearer, some survey items include additional evidence that could be used to clarify how items align. Some verbiage is borrowed from the FIT and CR-TFI scoring rubrics. Please note the connections between items in this tool reflect suggested alignment choices. When appropriate, teams using this tool should feel empowered to discuss and realign items to reflect their teams’ perspective.


Suggested Use

This tool can be used to support teams with inquiry and planning after the Successful Schools Survey, FIT and CR-TFI data has been collected.The following suggested team-level discussion questions might be helpful, depending upon which initial data source is being considered:

Discussion Questions

What common gaps do you notice between data sets?
What additional data or context can help to clarify what we see in the data?
What MTSS-related system, structure, or support can we improve to address the need observed in the data?
What is the highest leverage action that we could take to improve that system?
If we pursue this course of action, what technical and.or adaptive needs do we need to plan for?