Grousepaw Herb
Herbs: 13/83grousepaw is shadowclan's current medicine cat apprentice.
his training tracker can be found here
redshiftreign's med info can be found
herbs obtained from the warriors wiki & everything a medicine cat needs to know
Poisons: 3/8Ilnesses: 2/28Techniques: 2/22
Alder Barklinkhelps with pain that is caused by toothaches/gum pain/teething; might also heal gum/tooth infection and inflammation gnawed or chewed
found in boggy terrain
Alfalfalinkhelps with pain that is caused by toothaches/gum pain/teething; might also heal gum/tooth infection and inflammation gnawed or chewed
found in boggy terrain
Ashen Tree Sproutslinkapplied to adder or venomous snake bites to fight the effects.gnawed or chewed
found in boggy terrain
Basillinkfights infection and internal parsitesa short-lived plant with a thick taproot and silky oval leaves branching out from its central stem; found mostly in twoleg gardens
Beech Leaveslinkused to carry herbs; its nuts can attract preyfavors moist soil
Bindweedlink mends sticks together for broken bonesfasten its vines around the sticks to keep the bone in place
found almost anywhere
Birch Saplinksoothes sore throat and respratory issues, might cure yellowcoughdig your claws into the bark until the tree bleeds
drink the sap
Blackberry Leaveslinkbrings down inflammation and swelling from bee stingschewed into a pulp or poultice and applied to the bee sting
found almost anywhere
Blazing Starlinkrare herb used to treat an unknown but lethal disease
Blessed Thistlelinkincreases blood circulation, especially useful for blood loss.
Bonesetlinkuseful for coughs and minor chest infections
Borage Leaveslinkhelps queens produce milk, acts as an antibiotic, reduces fevers, tight chests, stomach ache, and infections.eaten or ingested found in forests
Bramble Twigslinkused to aid with sleepchewed into syrup
Brighteyelinkuseful for coughs and minor chest infectionsmixed with loveage to treat cough
Broomlinkused for broken legs and woundscrushed and applied to the body found in forests
Burdocklinknumbs minor wounds, eases small infections and sores, promotes healing
Burnetlinkgives strength; good for queens soon to kit
Catchweedlinkburrs are used to stop poultices from coming off
Catmintlinkthe best remedy for greencough and whitecough; can also help with stress and shockingested or shred into fine pieces to inhale
Celandinelinkacts as a sedative/painkiller for the eyes. soothes damaged eyes and eyes that hurt crush its bulbs to release its juice and then trickle into the eye
found in forests and near water
Chervillinktreats infected wounds and stomachache; helps with nausea during kitting; looks similar to parsleychew on its leaves or root to extract the juice to apply on wounds. eat the leaves for stomachache and nausea
found in dry areas
Chickweedlinkused to treat greencough when catmint isn't availableeat
found in forests
Cloverlinkknown to help with dry skin and mild coughsfound anywhere
Cobnutslinkused to thicken ointmentsrodents frequent cobnut trees so keep an eye out while hunting
Cobwebslinkused to bind wounds, staunch bleeding, hold herbs together, and bind broken bonesfound anywhere
Coltsfootlinkhelps troubled breathing and kittencough; helps soothe cracked or sore paw pads; works well for minor scratcheschew the leaves into a pulp and eat; chew into a poultice and apply to body
found in wet areas
ComfreylinkLEAVES helps cough attacks; when mixed with tansy it's a soothing remedy for asthma; consuming it can relieve inflammation
ROOTS repairs broken bones; soothes wounds; helps wrenched claws; itching; soothes inflammation; soothes muscle stiffness; soothes burns
chewed into a paste to be eaten or eat the leaves directly; roots can be eaten or applied directly
found in damp, grassy areas
Daisylinkeases stiff joints and soothes sprains; good for back painhew into a paste and fastened with cobwebs to help ease joint pains; eat to soothe sprains; mix it with tansy for a backache remedy
found anywhere
Dandelionlinksoothes and heals bee stings; can be mixed with borage for a fever remedy; cures meadow saffron poisoningthe liquid is applied to bee stings; chew the leaves to act as a painkiller and reduce fever; eat the roots to cure meadow saffron poisoning
found anywhere; more commonly found in meadows and fields
Docklinksoothes scratches, sore paw pads, and wound pain; used to vomit on; stings when applied to open skin; makes ones coat slippery; used for medicine cat apprentices to practice onchewed up and applied to scratches and wounds; the leaves are large so it makes it easy to clean up vomit afterward
found in grassy areas
ElderlinkLEAVES soothes sprains and wrenched muscles,
FLOWERS alleviates congestion and fever, stimulate appetite,

found in rocky terrain
Fennellinkeases pain in hips, such as during kitting; soothes stomachaches, injured eyes, hunger pains, and whitecoughthe stalks are broken and the inner juice is squeezed into the patients mouth
found in dry soil near the coast or rivers
Feverfewlinkreduces body temperature; treats any common cold symptoms; used for aches and pains. best remedy for headaches/
found on riverbanks
Goat weedlinkcalms anxiety or grief; use daily until the cat feels bettereat
found in damp areas
Goldenrodlinkalso called sunnyfuzzies; heals wounds and sprains; its juice helps numb any wound painchewed into a poultice and applied to the wound/sprain; apply the juice directly to the wound
found in moors
Goosegrasslinkused to staunch bleeding when cobwebs are not available
Hawkweedlinkeases the symptoms of greencough; not as strong as catminteat
Heatherlinkits nectar makes herbs taste betterknead the flower to extract the juices and add it to mixtures
Honeylinkworks as an antibiotic so it will strengthen the immune system (colds, infections, energy, etc); cures smoke-damaged throats or sore throats; sweetens herbs; perfect for holding poultices togethereat; apply it directly onto the body for external infections and burns; put it on poultice mixtures to make them sticky
Horsetaillinktreats infections and stops minor bleedingchewed into a poultice and applied to wounds; the sap from the stems can also prevent infection
Ivylinkused to carry other herbs around or to keep herbs fresh
Juniper Berrieslinksoothes stomachaches; gives strength and helps heavy breathing; its juice can be used to soothe flea bites; calms a cat from shock or distress. make sure to only give in small doseseat; dab the juice onto the infected flea bites
Lady's Mantlelinkused with skin issues, dryness, and shallow burns; also aids in healingapply directly to area after chewing or crushing
Lamb's Earlinkgives a cat strengtheat
Laurel Leaflinkused in herb wraps; especially when carrying honeywrap herbs and bind with cobweb
Lavenderlinkcures fevers, chills, and headaches; can be used in bee sting remedies to soothe pain; hides the scent of deathhave your patient inhale the herb constantly; crush and mix with a bee sting pulp; rub on dead body
Lovagelinkcures coughs and minor chest infectionschew it into a pulp with bright-eye, then feed to your patient
Lungwortlinkbest known cure for yellowcougheat the leaves
Mallowlinkcalms stomachacheseat
Marigoldlinkstops infections; stops bleeding; used for minor scratches; helps inflammation of stiff joints, broken bones, and flea bitesthe petals, leaves, and juice can be made into a poultice and applied to the body
Mintlinkhides the scent of death; deters fleasrubbed onto the body; can also be placed in ones nest to deter fleas
Mosslinkused to soak up honey, water, mouse bile, and other
Mousebilelinkused to kill ticks and fleas found in cats peltsthe liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto the fur
Nettlelinkleaves are used to treat swelling
Oak Leaveslinkstops infectionsstore the leaves in a dry area until wilted. chew into a thick poultice and apply to the wound
Parsleylinkstops a queen from producing milk if they lose their kits. a whole stem is taken each day until the milk stops. do not feed to queens who are still nursing; soothes stomachacheseat
Poppy seedslinkacts as a painkiller; excellent for sedation; soothes shock, distress, and anxiety; do not feed to nursing queens, a queen that is giving birth, or newborn kitseaten or chewed on; two seeds should be enough, but elders may need to take up to five if they have severe/chronic pain
Ragweedlinkstrength/energy boostereat
Ragwortlinktreats aching joints and gives a cat strength; acts as a painkillercrushed and chewed on; feed to a queen after given birth; given to elders to keep their strength up
Raspberry leaveslinkhelps stop bleeding during kitting; works as a painkillereat; feed before or after a queen gives birth
Rhubarblinkused as a leaf-wrap to store itemsfound mostly in thunderclan territory
Rosemarylinkhelps hide the scent of death to prepare for burial; helps prevent fleasrub on dead cats pelt; rub on pelt or nest to prevent fleas
Rushlinkused to bind broken bonesuse its hard stalks with cobweb casts to hold broken bones in place
Sheep Sorrellinkeases feverfound in moorlands
Snake Rootlinkused to treat poison
Sorrellinkraises appetite. will suppress appetite when mixed into a traveling herb mixtureeat
Stickslinkrecommended for queens who are giving birth; mends broken bones with poultices; distracts those who have dislocated bonespatients will bite on the stick when in pain to distract them; used as a splint for broken bones
Stinging Nettlelinkwill make a cat vomit up toxins; brings down swelling; mixed with comfrey to heal broken bones; treats bruises; helps wounds and infections; the leaves can be used to carry herbs the seeds are eaten to rid toxins and soothe swelling/bruises; the leaves are chewed into a poultice and applied onto wounds or broken bones; chewing on the stems stops infections
Sunset Roseslinkknown to heal windclan's mysterious sickness
Sweet Sedgelinkacts as an antibiotic. eases internal infectionbreak its stalks in half and swallow the sap
Tansylinkcures whitecough and helps those who are recovering from greencough; cures wounds and extracts poison; prevents greencough; soothes sore throats and wretched legs; used to hide a cats scent; NEVER feed to pregnant queenseat, but only in small doses; rub on cats pelt to hide their scent; crush the leaves into a poultice and apply to wretched legs
Thymelinktreats nervousness, anxiety, or shockchew on the leaves
Tormentillinktreats wounds and extracts snake venomchewed into a poultice and applied to the desired area
Tree Saplinksoothes sore throat and mild coughsdrank
Watermintlinksoothes stomachaches; used to hide the scent of death; smooths coatschew into a pulp and then eat; rub onto dead cats pelt to hide scent or to smooth ones fur
White Cloverlinkgood for upset stomach and nauseaeaten
found anywhere
Wild Garliclinkacts as an antibiotic. one of the best plants for fighting infection; prevents diseases that are carried in rat bites; used for disguising a cats scent roll in it or chew it into a poultice and apply it to the infection or rat bite
Willow Barklinkeases painthe juice inside the bark is consumed
Willow Leaveslinksuppresses the urge to vomit; calms nauseachewed into a pulp and then eaten
Wintergreenlinktreats wound pain and certain poisons; be cautious when collecting it, it looks almost identical to hollychew the leaves to extract the juice and apply it to the wound
Wood Sorrellinkdraws out infection and dries up woundschewed up to a poultice and applied to treat boils and infections
Yarrowlinkextracts poison from wounds; makes a cat vomit up toxic plants and cure stomachaches; cures mild coughs; heals cracked or sore paw padsthe leaves are chewed into a poultice and applied to the poisoned wound; chew into a pulp and then eat for coughs or toxic plants; make into an ointment and apply to cracked or sore paw pads; eat the leaves to cure stomachaches
Toxic Herbs
Yewlinkalso known as death berries, used to euthanize cats; the seed is the toxic part of the plantkills within minutes
Apple Seedslinkseeds, stems and leaves are toxic; fruit is safe and sweet in small quanititylarge quantity required to kill; can cause vomiting and stomach upset in small doses
Deadly Nightshadelinkso toxic that it can kill a full grown warrior in minutes, the whole plant is toxickills within minutes
avoid handling with mouth and always rinse paws after touching
Foxglove Seedslinkrapid paralyisis and heart failure, death within 10-20 minutes
Hollylinklethal for kits, will cause sickness in full grown warriors
Meadow Saffronlinkeating just a small bit of it will cause a disturbance in ones blood circulation, nervous system damage and, eventually, deathsymptoms can be mitigated by dandelion, though the victim will still be lethargic and ill for 1-2 weeks
Water Hemlocklinkthe entire plant is toxic; sometimes mistaken for parsley; there is no cure for its poisonsgarunteed death within 1-3 days with intense pain