ICF Quick Guide to the CDBG-DR Federal Register Notices
Last Updated 2/04/20
Federal Register Notice (FR-6182-N-01)—published 01/19/2020—Allocation of $3.8 billion of CDBG-DR funds appropriated by the Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2018, and the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019
Grantee(s)SummaryDescriptionCitation/Page #
All granteesIV.B.1. Certification of financial controls and procurement processes, and adequate procedures for proper grant management.Must have in place proficient financial controls and procurement processes and have established adequate procedures to prevent any duplication of benefits, to ensure timely expenditure of funds, maintain a comprehensive website regarding all activities assisted with these funds, and detect and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds.

Grantees that have received a financial controls and procurement processes certification for a 2016 or 2017 disaster may request that HUD rely on that certification for this allocation. Grantees should still update the certification to reflect any material changes.
All granteesIV.B.2. Procurement RequirementsMust comply with procurement requirements for states or for local governments.4686
Grantees that received
awards under Public Laws 114–113, 114– 223, 114–254, 115–31, 115–56, 115–123,
and 115–254, or any future act
IV.B.3. Use of administrative funds across multiple grants.May use eligible administrative funds (up to 5 percent of each grant award plus up to 5 percent of program income generated by the grant) appropriated by these acts for the cost of administering any of these grants without regard to the particular disaster appropriation from which such funds originated.4686
State of North Carolina and
South Carolina
IV.B.4. Use of funds in response to Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Florence.Grantees that received CDBG-DR grants under Public Laws 114-223, 114-254, and 115-31 in response to Hurricane Matthew, may use those funds interchangeably for the same activities that can be funded by CDBG-DR grants in the most impacted and distressed areas related to Hurricane Florence.4686
Grantees under P.L.
114-113, 114-223, 114-254, and 115-31
IV.B.5. One-for-One Replacement Housing, Relocation, and Real Property Acquisition Requirements.Can continue to follow One-for-One Replacement Housing, Relocation, and Real Property Acquisition Requirements as provided in section VI.A.19. of the November 21, 2016 notice or follow the requirements of section VI.A.23.a. through e. of the February 9, 2018 notice.4686
All granteesIV.B.6. Duplication of benefits.The 2019 DOB Notice shall supersede the 2011 DOB Notice for any new programs or activities submitted in an Action Plan or Action Plan amendment on or after June 25, 2019.4687
Grantees under Public Laws
115–56, 115–123, and 115–254, or 116-20
IV.C.1. Clarification on Affordability Periods and Amended Alternative Requirement.Imposes affordability restrictions when CDBG-DR funds are used to expand housing stock, not to replace damaged units owned and occupied by a beneficiary.4687
Grantees under P.L.
114-113, 114-223, 114-254, and 115-31
IV.C.2. Clarification and Amendment on Section 414 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.Clarifies and extends Section 414 waiver and alternative requirement to include grantees under those older Public Laws that are now receiving a grant under the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts for a major disaster in 2018 or 2019 4687
All granteesIV.C.3. Clarification on Procurement and Use of Subrecipients for State grantees only.Clarifies that 24 CFR 570.502, 570.503, and 570.500(c) apply to states carrying out activities directly, except for procurement requirements as provided for in the February  9, 2018 notice.4688
All granteesIV.C.4. Clarification on Acquisition of real property, flood, and other buyouts to include Wildfire-Impacted Grantees.Clarifies the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5863) so that grantees understand that wildland fire risk areas may also be identified by the grantee as Disaster Risk Reduction areas.4688
ICF presents this information based on the Federal Register Notices identified in the document but strongly recommends that grantees refer to the actual Federal Register Notice.
ICF may not be held liable for any incorrect interpretation of this information.