TimestampEmail AddressCommittee Title (as in the Faculty By-Laws)Name of reporter1. Committee membership (names of committee members this year - include students)2. List of committee's accomplishments during Summer 2017 and now.3. Next steps for the committee4. Comments/Obstacles (optional)
4/7/2018 9:06:00rnaik@lincoln.eduAdmissions, Academic Standing, and Financial Aid??Dr. Hilton, Dr. Dix, Dr. Puri, Dr. Ihejirika, R. Naik discussed about Admissions criteria and also about who should get financial aid etc.Will meet in Fall 2018
4/11/2018 11:23:14yhilton@lincoln.eduAdmissions, Finanacial Aid, Academic StandingYvonne HiltonYvonne Hilton, Aqeel Dix, Cathie Rutledge, Kim Anderson, Kim Taylor-Bens, Nancy Kenner, Emmanuel Ihejirika, Ranjan Naik Met multiple times in person and via email to discuss student progress to graduation and student appeals (academic and financial). Also, discussed possible new admissions standards.I believe that would be to make firm deadlines for student appeals and evaluation of those appeals.None at this time.
4/7/2018 11:28:44fworts@lincoln.eduAssessment & EvaluationFrank WortsAssessment and Evaluation (1 from each college, 1 from library, 1 graduate faculty)
Elected: Frank Worts (2018), Sophia Sotilleo (2019), William Donohue (2020), Anna Hull (2020), Emmanuel Ihejirika (2020)
Standing: Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee, Director of Assessment, Director of Institutional Research, 1 Alumnus on staff, 1 undergraduate (Nancy Ogechi Ihejirika) and 1 graduate student
Students not know to me.
New Assessment form
New date for requesting Student assessment of course
New electronic system for student evaluation
Assessment of courses offered through Xtracs
More on Course assessment
Refine Xtrac assessment process
4/5/2018 21:24:31wdonohue@lincoln.eduAssessment and EvaluationWilliam Donohue, ChairFrank Worts (2018), Sophia Sotilleo (2019), William Donohue (2020), Anna Hull (2020), Emmanuel Ihejirika (2020)
Standing: Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee (Dr. Joseph), Director of Assessment, Director of Institutional Research, 1 Alumnus on staff (Dr. Langley), 1 undergraduate (Nancy Ogechi Ihejirika) and 1 graduate student
Using a Committee created rubric, we gave feedback to all the Academic Program Assessment reports over Summer 2017. In August we met to review and assessment the 2016-17 reports. Based on that assessment we organized an assessment workshop in Sept. 2017. Over the summer I met with the new Director of Assessment, Tiffany Lee. Her office, OIERP, did an analysis of the program assessment reports that identified weaknesses. We addressed these at the Sept. workshop as well as with our feedback on the assessment plans submitted Nov/Dec. 2017. We also conducted a survey regarding the course evaluation tool.Report to FC regarding course evaluations, Feedback on final assessment reports for 17-18, Assessment assistance with data collection and reporting, end of year reportAssessment reports are not submitted on time, making feedback difficult. We could also use more members due to the volume of work reviewing assessment reports.
4/4/2018 21:30:18ahull@lincoln.eduAssessment and EvaluationAnna HullFrank Worts (2018), Sophia Sotilleo (2019), William Donohue (2020), Anna Hull (2020), Emmanuel Ihejirika (2020)
Standing: Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee (Patricia Joseph), Director of Assessment (Tiffany Lee), Director of Institutional Research (Tiffany Lee), 1 Alumnus on staff , 1 undergraduate (Nancy Ogechi Ihejirika) and 1 graduate student
Reviewed and gave feedback on all assessment reports from academic departments submitted in May 2017. Conducted a fall workshop on assessment. Reviewed all submitted academic assessment plans using an feedback rubric 1, which was created and updated in fall 2017 by the committee. Conducted a survey to all faculty on the student evaluation questions - which indicated that no revisions were needed. Evaluated the ClassClimate Evaluation process and decided to move to Qualtrics instead. We will host assessment assistance workshops in April and early May 2018. Continue to support assessment of academic programs and continue to assess the assessment process. Work with CETL to improve assessment processes across disciplines. Conduct focus groups with faculty that teach lab to create a evaluation tool for lab courses. WThis is a very busy and hard-working committee with active participants. Never any time wasted at meetings.
4/4/2018 13:33:20difilippo@lincoln.eduAthleticsAnthony DiFilippoElected: Dana Flint (Chair), Carla Gallagher, Zoran Milovanovich, Anthony DiFilippo
Standing: Faculty Athletics Representative, Director of Athletics, and 3 students
Reviewed policies pertaining to student athletes, including a University student-absence letter for those participating in athletic competition, and the scheduling of classes for student athletes.Continue with the review of policies and potential problems affecting student athletes.
4/5/2018 12:22:50milovanovich@lincoln.eduAthletics CommitteeDr. Zoran MilovanovichPlease refer to the list of committee membersPlease refer this request to the Chair of the CommitteeMaking schedules of athletics team members more synchronized with the University calendar.
4/10/2018 17:04:43gaither@lincoln.eduChair, Pre-Tenure CommitteeDM Gaither-HardyDr Chieke Ihejirika, Dr. TungThe committee in the Fall of 2017 received from the Office of Academic Affairs 4 names for the committee to review. Of the four, only 2 portfolios were submitted. All portfolios were scored on the 3 areas below
I. Teaching Effectiveness
II. Research Scholarship/Creative Activity/Professional Achievement
III. Service and Promotion of Mission

Each portfolio was reviewed by committee members. A summary report was sent to each faculty member. Included in the report were recommendations, if warranted, on each section or sub-section. Recommendations were based on the majority. Also, the committee chose not to include individual scores, but rather recommendations on how alleviate particular concerns.
The Faculty Council has a copy of the Scoring rubric used to assess each portfolio.
The committee will wait for the VP of Academic Affairs to send the new list of candidates.The names received from the Office of Academic Affairs did not always correspond to the status of some of the faculty, example a faculty member said they were either past their 3rd year review or had yet to reach it. Not all faculty who were identified submitted a portfolio to the committee.
4/6/2018 12:25:42pettaway@lincoln.eduChair/ Honorary Degree CommitteeC. PettawayDr. Kevin Favor, Dr. Lenelle Dade, Dr. Robert Millette, Dr.John Chikwem Students Jasmine Newton, & Chinonye AguOur charge was to select a slate of noteworthy candidates who best exemplify highest levels of achievement in politics, medicine, entrepreneurship, and service in academia.
Some of the acknowledged candidates may be considered as awardees at special fundraising events that Lincoln may choose to hold.
The committee hopes that Honorary degree recipients will contribute financially to this institution.
We nominated ,the following g candidates with input from our president Dr. Brenda Allen.
Dr. James Donaldson
Graduated from Lincoln University 1961
Served as mathematics professor at six universities
Named Chair of Howard University Department of Math
Developed the first Ph.D. program in math at an HBCU
Has published more than 50 research papers, articles and presentations

Dr. Martin Kilson
Political Science Professor
He attended Lincoln University and studied under Horace Mann Bond, graduating in 1953 as class valedictorian.
Awarded a Ph.D. in Harvard in 1959.
He served as a faculty advisor for the new founded Harvard-Radcliffe Afro-American Studies Association.
Editor of multiple collections of essays.

Dr. Levi Watkins
Distinguished surgeon. Graduated as valedictorian form Alabama State College in 1966.
Became the first African American to be admitted to and graduate from Vanderbilt University’s School of Medicine.
In 1980, Dr. Watkins performed the world’s first human implantation of the automatic implantable defibrillator. He also developed the cardiac arrhythmia service as John Hopkins. He passes away at 2015 at the age of 70.

Mihayo Wilmor
Cofounder of Twigalpha, an accelerator for technology-minded entrepreneurs
Twigalpha’s mission is to “elevate Africana entrepreneurship through business and technology solutions.
He holds a master of science in information science from Penn State and Bachelors in Computer Science from Lincoln University.

Dr. James Anderson
University of Illinois
Dean of College of Education, the Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgell
Professor of Education, and affiliate Professor of History
His scholarship focus has been on African American Education in the south

Debra L. Lee
Chairlady and CEO of BET Holdings Inc.
A media and entertainment company targeted at African Americans
As a network, BET was the first of its kind in t.v. history.
Ms. Lee has been named one of The Hollywood Reporters 100 most powerful woman in entertainment.

Jo Anne Jenkins
Appointed as Chief Executive Officer of AARP in 2014.
Jenkins was named at the “Non Profit Influencer of the year, in 2015, as one of Wahsington’s most Influential people.
Sheila Oliver
1974 graduate of Lincoln Univeristy– Speaker of the New Jersey General Assembly
Leader in the battle for increases in minimum pay, equal pay and making millionaires and corporations pay their fair share.
On November 7 became the first African American woman elected Lt. Governor (see Lincoln’s website)

Vincent Hughes
Represents 7th Senatorial District of PA and serves as the Democratic Chairman of the State Appropriations Committee.
Term expires 2020
Serving Montgomery and Philadelphia counties.

John Robert Lewis
American politician and is a prominent civil rights leader
He is the US Representative for Georgia 5th Congressional District since 1987
Dean of Georgia Congressional delegation.

As chair of this committee , it was a pleasure to engage in a meaningful discourse with such august colleagues and to learn of certain individuals that I formerly did not know.
Our deliberations were very thoughtful and far reaching.
We presented the slate of candidates at the February Faculty Meeting.
We have, to date ,not been informed of Lincoln's BOT decision on who will be acknowledged as persons of Honoris Causa
4/24/2018 19:20:52flint@lincoln.eduCommittee on AthleticsDr. Dana FlintAnthony DiFillipo, Zoran Melovanovich, Carla Gallagher, Dana Flint, Harry Stinson, Kisha Middleton, Jacob MullinsThe Committee met monthly throughout the year. Much time was spent making incremental improvements on the class absence issue. The Committee approved a form letter for excused absences that is informative about the SA's competition schedule, rules governing excused absences, and other information needed by instructors. The Committee will need to bring the form letter to the Faculty and receive their feedbackAthletics needs time to have discussions with the Faculty.
4/24/2018 16:08:02flint@lincoln.eduCommittee on General EducationDr. Dana FlintMahphiua Deas, Jessica Garner, Melina McConatha, Dana Flint, Anna Hull, Maribel Poza, Whelton Miller, Ali Barimani, Laurellen Treisner, Patricia JosephThe Committee has completed a five year review of assessment, summarized it in a report to be given to the Faculty, participated in one conference and slated to participate in a second conference to further the institutional understanding of General Education. It has succeeded in changing ILOs as needed and planning for the next academic year.Having completed its five year assessment, the Committee is currently considering next steps, which will include a remapping of the general education curriculum , planning a process for modification and change of the Gen Ed curriculum, as based on assessment.Lincoln has gone from an ad hoc committee on the core to a standing Committee on General Education along with the gradual development of General Education program.
4/4/2018 16:28:13asemychayevskyy@lincoln.eduCurriculumAndriy SemychayevskyyI replaced Dr. Haimbodi in Spring 2017Approval of multiple changes to CS and Math courses, multiple new humanities courses.Working on criteria for curriculum revisions. Natural sciences are less represented on that committee than social ones.
4/15/2018 16:24:47jchapp@lincoln.eduCurriculum CommitteeAssociate Professor Jeffrey ChappJeffrey Chapp (Chair), Andriy Semychayevskyy (F/17), Moses Haimbodi (S/18), William Dadson, Dipali Puri, Catherine Rutledge (Standing / Registrar), Pat Ramsey (Standing / Provost), Brittany Longshore (Student Rep.) and Sarai McCoy (Student Rep.)The Curriculum Committee only operates during the Fall and Spring Academic periods.
Fall / 2017
• Made edits to Graduate 7 and 15 week syllabus template to eliminate D and D+ grade. (Announcement to Faculty)
• Reviewed and passed HSC230-Introduction to Health Science. (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Syllabus template for both Graduate and Undergraduate syllabi was modified to include Title IX statement per request. This has been posted for use with all syllabi used S/2018 and until more edits are requested.

S / 2018
• Reviewed and passed HSC407-Personal Training Certification Prep. (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and passed MSM101-Introduction to the World of Museums (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and passed MSM310-Collections Care & Management (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and passed MSM320-Museum Education & Interpretation (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and passed MSM321-Exhibition Design & Development (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and did NOT pass EDU560-PRAXIS 6011 Preparatory Lab due to not getting sufficient support materials and not getting a response back from submitter concerning issues presented from Curriculum Committee. Chair responded back with concerns via emails and phone conversations.
Continue to work with Faculty, Staff and Administration to comply with approved process of passing syllabi for Lincoln University. There were two main issues that impacted the efficiency of the Curriculum Committee. The main issue was the lack of College Meetings to comply with recently approved Course Approval Manual that includes as part of the process:
1. A complete syllabus proposal must be distributed to members of the college at least five business days prior to the college meeting at which the proposal is reviewed.
2. The faculty in the college will review the proposal and ensure the adequacy of the departmental review process and that the proposal is consistent with the broader goals and programs of the college and the mission of Lincoln University.
3. Edits and amendments to the proposal may be made and approved at the college review.
4. Once reviewed by the college, the department chair is responsible for submitting a copy of the proposal including completed syllabus or syllabi, support documents and signed Course Submission Form for each syllabus to the Curriculum Committee Chair for review and distribution to the Curriculum Committee."

This needs to be reviewed and revised as we adopt a new Academic structure, but it was troublesome this year as the new structure was / is not in place and we should be operating per our current approved structure that includes three Colleges - that have meeting.

The second issue was / is the confusion of Faculty Council process in relation to the submission of Standing Committee proposals.

There has also been a failure in the ability of Faculty and Chairs to submit syllabi in the template currently in use. My issue is that if they are not submitting NEW syllabi in the correct template, it is of concern that many of their syllabi in current use are also not complying with the new template.
4/15/2018 16:33:59jchapp@lincoln.eduCurriculum CommitteeAssociate Professor Jeffrey ChappJeffrey Chapp (Chair), Andriy Semychayevskyy (F/17), Moses Haimbodi (S/18), William Dadson, Dipali Puri, Catherine Rutledge (Standing / Registrar), Pat Ramsey (Standing / Provost), Brittany Longshore (Student Rep.) and Sarai
McCoy (Student Rep.)
The Curriculum Committee only operates during the Fall and Spring Academic periods.
Fall / 2017
• Made edits to Graduate 7 and 15 week syllabus template to eliminate D and D+ grade. (Announcement to Faculty)
• Reviewed and passed HSC230-Introduction to Health Science. (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Syllabus template for both Graduate and Undergraduate syllabi was modified to include Title IX statement per request. This has been posted for use with all syllabi used S/2018 and until more edits are requested.

S / 2018
• Reviewed and passed HSC407-Personal Training Certification Prep. (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and passed MSM101-Introduction to the World of Museums (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and passed MSM310-Collections Care & Management (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and passed MSM320-Museum Education & Interpretation (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and passed MSM321-Exhibition Design & Development (Sent to Faculty Council / Presented to Faculty and passed.)
• Reviewed and did NOT pass EDU560-PRAXIS 6011 Preparatory Lab due to not getting sufficient support materials and not getting a response back from submitter concerning issues presented from Curriculum Committee. Chair
responded back with concerns via emails and phone conversations.
Continue to work with Faculty, Staff and Administration to comply with approved process of passing syllabi for Lincoln University. There were two main issues that impacted the efficiency of the Curriculum Committee. The main issue was the lack of College Meetings to comply with recently approved Course Approval Manual that includes as part of the process:
1. A complete syllabus proposal must be distributed to members of the college at least five business days prior to the college meeting at which the proposal is reviewed.
2. The faculty in the college will review the proposal and ensure the adequacy of the departmental review process and that the proposal is consistent with the broader goals and programs of the college and the mission of Lincoln University.
3. Edits and amendments to the proposal may be made and approved at the college review.
4. Once reviewed by the college, the department chair is responsible for submitting a copy of the proposal including completed syllabus or syllabi, support documents and signed Course Submission Form for each syllabus to the Curriculum Committee Chair for review and distribution to the Curriculum Committee."

This needs to be reviewed and revised as we adopt a new Academic structure, but it was troublesome this year as the new structure was / is not in place and we should be operating per our current approved structure that includes three Colleges - that have meeting.

The second issue was / is the confusion of Faculty Council process in relation to the submission of Standing Committee proposals.

There has also been a failure in the ability of Faculty and Chairs to submit syllabi in the template currently in use. My issue is that if they are not submitting NEW syllabi in the correct template, it is of concern that many of their syllabi in current use are also not complying with the new template.
4/7/2018 11:34:13fworts@lincoln.eduDistance Learning Frank WortsDistance Learning (1 from each college and 1 at-large. A minimum of 2 of the elected faculty members must be trained in online learning and have taught at least one online or hybrid course.)
Elected: Kennie Edwards (2018), Carol Ann George(2020), Sharvette Philmon (2020), Frank Worts (2020)
Standing: Director of Academic Technology Support (ATS), Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CETL), Assistant Vice President of Information Technology or designee, Registrar
Review of Canvas LMS
Review of needs for Distance learning
Review of Distance education proposal
Distance education
New LMS for University
Trainning for Faculty in IT
Time, Dollars, and faculty interest
4/3/2018 21:54:39kedwards@lincoln.eduDistance Learning CommitteeKennie EdwardsChairRevised distance learning policy to be consistent with faculty bylawsDevelop concrete procedure for faculty to become distance learning certified
4/5/2018 12:53:17maazaoui@lincoln.eduFaculty By-LawsAbbes MaazaouiAbbes Maazaoui, Jim DeBoy; James Jones1. Held numerous meetings in September, October and November to update the faculty By-Laws.
2. Attempted submitting a comprehensive up-to-date version of the By-Laws (the effort was quickly aborted as some faculty members were not receptive to the many updates and changes that were brought simultaneously) – September 2017
3. Proposed a mini-revision to the By-Laws (12 changes), and organized three town meetings to discuss the proposed changes - October 2017
4. Submitted the proposed changes for approval by the faculty at the November faculty meeting. Due to lack of quorum (51 votes were needed for passing any measure), the voting was halted , and as such, nothing passed. November 2017
5. Resubmitted seven By Laws changes for approval by the faculty at the April 3rd faculty meeting (the tally is in progress at the submission of this report. A preliminary survey seems to suggest that all items were approved, including support for having a faculty voting representative to the BOT). April 2018
6. Made important improvements to the document, mostly cosmetic changes, so that it is more readable, and easily accessible (by, for instance, digitizing the entire document and adding a Table of Content).
7. Published the most updated online version online in (for the first time in decades) - January 2018

1. Continue to update slowly the Faculty By-Laws document, so that it may at some point reflect the current university structure and state of technology
2. Clarify responsibilities: what is the process for making sure that faculty-approved By-laws changes are submitted to the BOT?
3. Consider modifying the requirements for changing the by-laws: either have the administration enforce faculty attendance at meetings or modify the requirements to amending the By Laws (for instance by dropping the second requirement that "affirmative vote numbers more than a majority of the eligible voters of the Faculty" (and requiring only the affirmative vote of "two-thirds of the voting Faculty present at the meeting")

Attendance at faculty meeting. Although everyone knows (is supposed to know) that attendance it required, 45-50% of professors do not attend on a regular basis. Given this recurrent situation, few “loud” voices can gain the ability to derail the committee’s hard work and hijack the majority's intention. It is difficult to have 51 positive votes (required to pass any measure) when only 47-55 members are present. This is neither fair nor democratic. It is important to remember that the Faculty By-Laws, Article 14.01, does not require consensus but simply strong support for the approval of any changes. We have to adjust to the real world of Lincoln University faculty, if we expect the faculty to continue to invest an important amount of time in trying to improve things.
4/19/2018 15:20:54vzeljkovic@lincoln.eduFaculty DevelopmentDr Vesna ZeljkovicDr. Zeljkovic, Dr. Siddique, Dr. Puri, Prof. Hardy, Prof. SotilleoWe had 25 applications for the past two semesters out of which we awarded 23Send the report to the VPAA
4/4/2018 21:41:55ahull@lincoln.eduGeneral EducationAnna HullDana Flint (2018), Anna Hull (2018), Maribel Poza (2018), Whelton Miler (2019), Ali Barimani (2018), Laurellen Treisner (2018), Mahpiua Deas (2020), Jessica Garner (2020), Melina McConatha (2020) Standing: Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee (Patricia Joseph), 1 studentCompleted the General Education Report for the 2016-2017 academic year, which closed out a 4 year assessment cycle in which all eight institutional learning outcomes have been assessed. We also reviewed all assessment results from the last four years, including all changes to ILOs and ILO objective/outcomes. We are in the process of finishing up a comprehensive report of General Education and General Education Assessment. As part of the reporting out to constituents, we plan to hold feedback sessions to collect input from faculty and students on how best to improve the General Education curriculum. We also successfully applied to participate in the AAC&U's instate on assessment in the summer of 2018. Attendance at the institute will also assist us to collect ideas and plans for how to move forward with General Education. Attend the AAC&U Institute on General Education in June of 2018 and come back to Lincoln in August of 2018 with recommendation for an updated General Education CurriculumThe committee is very large which makes participation of all members almost impossible. Although we met more than monthly, the forward momentum on this committee is slower than on other committees, mainly because much time is spent filling in members on information from previous meetings. Although I appreciate the many voices on the committee, it also slows down the work of the committee. If I had one wish for this committee, it would be for us to be more efficient.
4/6/2018 17:01:01kfavor@lincoln.eduHonorary Degree CommitteeDr. Charles PettawayDr. Charles Pettaway, Dr. Lennell Dade, Dr. Robert Millette, Dr. John Chikwem, Jasmine Newton, and Chinonye Agu1) Requested nominations from the Faculty at large 2) Researched potential recipients and shared that information with committee members 3) Presented the slate of potential recipients to the Faculty at large 4) Submitted the listing to the Powers that beReport outThe committee considered the need to identify candidates 2 years prior to commencement in order to get on the selected person's calendar within the year of commencement. It was also suggested that a special day of recognition be added for persons worthy of celebration beyond the commencement season.
4/5/2018 13:07:34maazaoui@lincoln.eduInternational/Global Initiatives/Study Abroad Committee (Ad hoc / Faculty-approved only)Abbes MaazaouiFaculty: Gray, Monica: Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Physics
Ihejirika, Chieke: Professor, Political Science
James Wadley: Chair, Counseling & Human Services
Maazaoui, Abbes: Professor, Languages & Literature
Poe, Daryl: Professor of History and Director of the Horace Mann Bond Honors Program
Richards, Oswald: Professor, Graduate MSA Program
Administration: Lincoln President
Director of International Programs and Services
Anderson, Kim: Director, Financial Aid
Taylor-Benns, Kimberly: Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
Joseph, Patricia: College Professional, Graduate and Extended Studies
Poe, Evelyn: Assistant Director, First year program
Rutledge, Catherine: Registrar
A. Met on September 5, 2017 to set the agenda for the year and review the Policies and Procedures for Faculty-Led Program Proposals
B. Announced and advertised the Study Abroad Guidelines to the faculty
C. Collected eight proposals in October-November-December of 2017
D. Met on December 4, 2017 to evaluate all proposals
E. Made recommendations to the Provost & VP for Academic Affairs as well as to the Bursar in January-March 2018
F. Recommended various projects by the following faculty members:
1. Dr. Zizwe Poe
2. Prof. Evelyn Davis-Poe
3. Dr. Monica Gray
4. Dr. Oswald H. Richards
5. Files-Thomson, Nicole
6. Dr. Emmanuel Babatunde (approved for summer 2017. Project
implemented in December 2017)
- Seek the committee's approval by the BOT
- Continue to promote Faculty-led study abroad projects
1. This committee has not been approved by the BOT, despite many attempts
2. This committee has had a good start. Many faculty members are very active in taking students abroad and many more have expressed interest in considering this kind of international travel with students.
4/7/2018 9:14:38r.naik@lincoln.eduJudicial Review ??Dr. Tameze, Dr. Limb, Dr. Banh and R. Naikdiscussed about a case of a professor who was not made promoted etc.will do as we get new cases.
4/10/2018 13:00:24ssotilleo@lincoln.eduLectures & Recitals Sophia Sotilleo Sophia Sotilleo, Charles Pettaway, Kaukab Siddique, Denise Brown, Zayna Parham, SGA RepresentiveFollowing Programs were accomplished during the Spring 2018 academic year: Guest Speaker for Black Panther Event, Piano Recital, Guest Speaker for Afro-Latino Event. Planning was done in fall where we finalized guests and budget. Create a final Report, review and finalize budget for next academic year.Budget and planning for the events is always challenging, however the opportunity to witness students and faculty engaged in the programs makes the challenge bearable. The committee's mission is important to the university so we must move forward even with the challenges.
4/10/2018 13:04:27ssotilleo@lincoln.eduLibrary CommitteeSophia SotilleoDavid Royer, Zoran Milovanovich, Dipali Puri, Admasu Tucho, Students:Tatiana Hyman, Kirk Henderson Committee meet twice this year. Focus was on working with the Academic Affairs office to start the process for a new Library Director. Which was accomplished and search for the new director has begun.Meeting the new director and assisting with the mission and vision of the Library and how it will support scholarship on the campus.No leadership in the library is the current obstacle.
4/4/2018 19:38:41vsmith@lincoln.eduNominationsVirginia SmithJames Gallagher (Chair); Samaa Gamie; Chreke Ihejirka, Virginia SmithDisseminated information to faculty about committee vacancies; solicited volunteers to fill vacancies; presented slates at faculty meetings; conducted election for vacancies; inform faculty of results of election.Prepare for next academic year's elections to committee positions
4/5/2018 11:29:12pkelley@lincoln.eduNon memberNoneTBAunknownunknown
4/10/2018 13:28:07dpoe@lincoln.eduPre-Tenure CommitteeD. Zizwe Poe (from Gaither-Hardy)Committee Members
Denise Gaither-Hardy - Chair,
Chieke Ihejirika,
Amar Tung
The committee in the Fall of 2017 received from the Office of Academic Affairs 4 names for the committee to review. Of the four, only 2 portfolios were submitted. All portfolios were scored on the 3 areas below
I. Teaching Effectiveness
II. Research Scholarship/Creative Activity/Professional Achievement
III. Service and Promotion of Mission
Each portfolio was reviewed by committee members. A summary report was sent to each faculty member. Included in the report were recommendations, if warranted, on each section or sub-section. Recommendations were based on the majority. Also, the committee chose not to include individual scores, but rather recommendations on how alleviate particular concerns.
The Faculty Council has a copy of the Scoring rubric used to assess each portfolio.
None reportedNone reported
4/10/2018 12:12:19dpoe@lincoln.eduPromotion, Tenure, Severance CommitteeD. Zizwe Poe1. D. Zizwe Poe (Chair)
2. W. Kwame Dadson
3. Susan Safford
4. Abbes Maazaoui (Alternate)
Candidates Reviewed
• Tenure and Promotion – 4
• Promotion to Full – 2
• Sabbatical – 3
Committee recommendations have passed on to the Provost/Academic Vice-President.
Work that remains to be done:
1) The committee and the faculty need to review and upgrade the Promotion, Tenure, and Sabbatical process and guidelines.
2) The committee should examine the Winston-Salem faculty handbook distributed by President Allen to see if there are any processes included that might be helpful for the faculty processes at Lincoln University.
3) The Pre-Tenure Committee, Post-Tenure Committee, and the PTS Committee should meet together to see how they can best qualify Lincoln University faculty.
Hiring professors as full or associate professors should involve the PTS Committee.
4/4/2018 15:24:03cgallagher@lincoln.eduResearch and PublicationsCarla GallagherCarla Gallagher, Tondalaya Carroll, Vesna Zeljkovic, Jasmine NewtonThe committee has organized an on-going list of publications of faculty at LU. The "Lincoln University Annual Archive of Faculty Publications" was announced at a faculty meeting and and email was sent to all faculty in order to create a comprehensive list of publications to be sent to LU President, VPAA, and the library in order to showcase the publications of our faculty members to the administration, Board of Trustees, and others.
At a recent faculty meeting, there seemed to be some confusion regarding whether the research and publications committee has funds budgeted or not. The next steps for the committee is to get a clear answer to this question, so we will talk to the administration and the faculty council. The committee would be very happy to hear that there are funds in order to make this committee more efficient at helping our faculty succeed in this area.See above, confusion regarding if there are funds or not.
4/4/2018 14:28:05smonsilovich@lincoln.eduStudent Health and Welfare CommitteeSally MonsilovichAmar Tung, Christina Kerns, Denise Brown, Marilyn McHugh, Address student and faculty concerns regarding Studio Green. Discussed relationship of Public Safety with student population and the lack of respect/understanding that seems apparent. Discussed the high rate of STI's on campus and lack of approachability/Dr availability for students regarding Health ServicesAsk for STI data from Health ServicesWe need to improve "teamwork"/cohesiveness across campus
4/23/2018 10:10:21nfilesthompson@lincoln.eduTechnology CommiteeNicole Files-Thompson...Met in FA and Spring semesters, made recommendations to IT and ATSEstablish a more integral role in campus technology with AdministrationAdministration does not respect the role of the committee nor take charges from the recommendations in my experience. The committee identifies technology challenges and requests information and there is no sense of urgency or requirement for technology related administrative units to deliver
4/24/2018 11:40:10ckerns@lincoln.eduTechnology CommitteeChristina KernsNicole Files-Thompson
Jessica Garner
Darriyante Johnson
Christina Kerns (chair)
Jawahar Pathak
Claude Tameze
Haydar Teymourlouei
Nancy Evans (invited guest)
Maureen Stokes (invited guest)
Aimee Nickle (invited guest)
Justin McKenzie (invited guest)
Created a recommendation list for the University to address issues with technology including: software purchasing, IT and ATS staff, Faculty access to subdomains on the LU website for research, accuracy of LU website, Moodle workshops and use by faculty, phones and general transparency.Despite attempts to meet with the head of IT (Justin McKenzie) we have not been able to discuss our recommendations and assessment with him. We have addressed concerns with ATS and feel that with more support (mainly, more funding for ATS staff and a better LMS) we can resolve concerns with them. Our next step will be to meet with IT to formally present our findings (we did send them our written recommendation) and develop a plan to address as many issues on campus as possible.IT has gone through a major change in staff, which has made it difficult to work with them over the last year. Also, a lot of issues revolve around funding, so it may be beneficial to discuss some of our findings with higher administration. Our committee also discussed the problem with "technology" as it is so broad on campus (email, internet, computer labs, dorm tvs et al.) We tried to develop a new mission for the committee, but it was difficult to limit our scope. We did all agree, however, that the committee should narrow the tasks to make it more manageable.
4/5/2018 21:29:46wdonohue@lincoln.eduWritingWilliam DonohueElected: Albert Bryson (2018), Marilyn Button (2018), Sophia Sotilleo (2018), Jawahar Pathak (2020), Anna Hull (2020)
Standing Members: William Donohue (Director of Freshman Composition), Samaa Gamie (WRC and WPP Director)
Review Writing Intensive courses for certification, discussion and review of Writing Portfolio guidelines, Review of select Writing Proficiency Portfolios Continue to review WPP, Continue to offer teaching writing workshops
4/4/2018 14:23:25sgamie@lincoln.eduWriting CommitteeSamaa GamieAnna Hull, Marilyn Button, William Donohue, Jawahar Pathak, Albert Bryson, and Sophia Sotilleo In the academic year 2017-2018, the committee has reviewed over 30 courses; 24 of them have been certified as W or Writing Intensive. We have been working diligently with faculty and departments in preparing and revising their W syllabi.We should provide more WAC faculty-training workshops, undertake the certification of more "W' courses per department, and collect data from W courses: assignment sheets and students' writing samples.We have a lot more to do to make sure our W courses and WPP program run at full efficiency.