Applying for Acceleration
Please note: if you have two majors, you must submit a form for each major and obtain the necessary signatures for each major.
To fill out this form properly, you will need to complete the following steps:
1. Create a duplicate copy (do this by going to "file" and then "make a copy"). Fill out the Google Sheets title using the parameters set: Last Name, First Name: Acceleration, XX > XY (with 'XX' being your current class year, and 'XY' being your requested class year).
1A. If you are intending to petition for senior year elsewhere and acceleration/graduating early, please use the Senior Year Elsewhere form found on the Class Deans website. The Acceleration form is not set-up to accept SYE plans.
2. Fill out the form. Do not make edits on any of the "subtotal" and "total" calculation cells. These cells contain formulas and will calculate as you fill out your course credits.
2A. List your major and current class year at the top of the form.
2B. The "dept. code" cell is a drop-down menu that offers a list of all majors, minors, and concentrations at Smith College. If your dept. code is not listed, the cell will allow you to add your own (this is to allow students to put in 5-C courses, and anything else that might be missing). The cell will be marked with a "warning" symbol - you can ignore this.
2C. This form provides you with six rows per term/section - if you need more rows, right click on one of the six rows and select "insert 1 row above". Please do not add a row from the bottom of the section - there is a chance it might break the calculation formulas; instead, add a row from the middle of the section.
3. Take a moment to review the form, making sure that the calculations in the subtotal and total cells are correct, and more importantly, please make sure that you will have earned the 128 minimum credits required (with at least 64 of those credits being outside of the major department).
4. Once completed, download the entire form as a pdf (do this by going to "file", then "download", and then "pdf"). This will bring you to a "print settings" page where you can export the document. Note: you must download the entire form by selecting "workbook" under "export". Make sure that your page orientation is in "portrait" mode, and that you have the file scaled to "fit to page".
5. Complete the last page of your acceleration form. Submit your signed pdf file to your major adviser and department chair, and ask them to review the document and include their signature indicating their approval and that you will have met your requirements.
6. Submit your completed and signed form in a petition to the Academic Board (formerly known as the Administrative Board). For more information about petitioning, and to get the link to the petition form, please refer to the "Announcements" section on the Class Deans website.