Cornell Outdoor Education PE Programs Instructor Application
COE gets on the order of 150 applications per year.  This is your chance to tell us about your experience and enthusiasm for outdoor education.  If you have questions contact Andrew McLaughlin at 607-254-1357 or
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
Email address *
Class of *
Which program area are you applying to teach? *
Outdoor Classes *
Please list any outdoor classes you have taken along with the year in which you took them.
Experience *
Please describe your personal outdoor experience and skills.
Teaching and Leadership *
Please describe your teaching and leadership experience.
Training *
Have you had any specialized training?
Three References *
Please provide us with the names, contact info, and your relationship to three references.
ESSAY1: Please describe your personal goals for being an instructor in this program. *
ESSAY 2:  Please describe what you view as your major strengths and limitations as an Outdoor Educator. Please comment on your technical outdoor skills, leadership, teaching, group facilitation skills, natural history knowledge and other areas you feel are important. *
ESSAY 3:  What is the most important thing a student on your course should walk away with?  What teaching tools or progressions would you use to achieve that goal? *
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