Preliminary grant report
Please complete all sections of this form and submit using the tab at the bottom of the page.  

At least three high resolution images that capture the research being undertaken and provide a sense of your project and field site are also required. Please see below for further details. 
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Name of Project Leader *
RGS-IBG Grant Awarded *
For example Geographical Fieldwork Grant
Year of Award *
Project Title *
Fieldwork dates *
What was the purpose of your project and to what extent were you able to fulfil it? *
(200 words)
Did you have to alter your plans in any way? *
(200 words)
Did you encounter any problems whilst in the field, particularly related to health and safety? *
(200 words)
What are your key findings to date? *
(200 words)
Is there anything of specific interest about your research findings or experience in the field that could be featured in the media? *
(200 words)
Fieldwork photos *
Please submit at least three high resolution images from your fieldwork that capture the research being undertaken and provide a sense of your project and field site. 

If the images are stored online please provide a URL link in the box below. Alternatively please email the images to or use WeTransfer.

If sending by email, please write 'Sent by email' in the box below. 

There are examples of fieldwork images from past grant recipients on the website.

Any images submitted may be published on the Society's website, through its social media channels, and in print publications. If you would rather images were not used in this way, please inform the Grants Officer at

Image captions and credits *
Please provide brief captions for your images and the credits for who these images should be attributed to.
Full report
A full final report must be submitted electronically to within 12 months of completion of your fieldwork/data collection. The final report must include a 250 word abstract, a description of the project and its key findings (1000 words minimum), three to five digital images that capture the spirit of the project and its results, a final budget, and details of presentations, publications and any other outputs planned or completed.

Failure to submit the full report on time will jeopardise future grant applications. If at any point you feel unable to meet the deadline, contact the Grants Officer immediately:

Examples of past reports can be found on the website. 
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