MCHS Technology Survey-Fall
Answer all required questions.  Please answer honestly; your feedback is appreciated.
Grade *
Write only 9, 10, 11, or 12
Gender *
Write only "male" or "female"
Class *
Write "Biology" or "Physical Science" or "IMS"
General Information
After reading each statement below, rate how true it is for you based on your experiences using the netbooks this year.
I would like to be able to access class assignments and information outside of class on a website or in another online program. *
Not true at all
Very true
I think using a computer in class will help me learn more in class. *
Not true at all
Very true
I am pretty confident using a computer; I can learn how to use new programs very quickly on my own, without much help. *
Not true at all
Very true
If I don't know something or how to do something, I always ask the teacher first before trying to look it up on the internet. *
Not true at all
Very true
I am used to using internet and technology to show what I have learned in class in many ways, not just in writing. *
Not true at all
Very true
I am comfortable working with other students in groups online outside of class. *
Not true at all
Very true
I would rather store all my "papers" for this class electronically on a computer than carry them around. *
Not true at all
Very true
Using programs on a computer will make learning concepts in class easier than listening to lectures and taking notes. *
Not true at all
Very true
If I have to use a computer in class every day in high school, I will have a hard time learning how to use it. *
Not true at all
Very true
For any new computer program we must use, there should be time in class devoted to learning how to use the new programs. *
Not true at all
Very true
Learning how to use a computer and internet technology will help me in college and/or my future career. *
Not true at all
Very true
Using a computer will make it easier to work in groups outside of school, because we can meet online rather than in person. *
Not true at all
Very true
Using a computer will allow me to learn more on my own rather than always having to ask a teacher. *
Not true at all
Very true
I would like it if I could ask my teacher a question at night and on weekends via e-mail or through some other technology. *
Not true at all
Very true
I think using computers will enhance my thinking skills, and get me away from just memorizing information. *
Not true at all
Very true
When a teacher gives choices as to how to show what I know, I would like it if some of those choices allowed me to use internet tools rather than paper. *
Not true at all
Very true
Right now, if I were given the choice between using a computer program for an assignment or doing the same assignment on paper, I would choose the computer program. *
Not true at all
Very true
I am more comfortable showing what I learn using paper and pencil, not on a computer. *
Not true at all
Very true
I can operate my phone much better than a computer. *
Not true at all
Very true
Which of the following BEST describes your current ability to access a computer/the internet outside of school? *
21st Century Tools
For each technology tool listed below, indicate how familar you are with each one. *
Never used it and never heard of it
Heard of it, never used it
Have used it a little
Have used it a lot
My Space
Google Docs
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Windows Movie Maker
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