HMC Mathematics Department Student Application for Travel Funds


Harvey Mudd College has prohibited student travel with college funds for the entire month of September. This policy will be reviewed and an update is expected by Oct. 1, 2021.

Thank you for your patience, we look forward to supporting your travel plans in the future!

If you have any questions, please contact Senior Capstone and Student Travel Coordinator, DruAnn Thomas or Math Dept. Admin Jocelyn Olds-McSpadden, at
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Your full name *
Your email address *
Please name the HMC math professor who has endorsed this request: *
Date Submitted *
Year at HMC *
What is your major? *
Name of conference you would like to attend *
Dates of Conference *
URL of conference website
Location of conference (City, State, Country) *
Cost of registration ($) *
(check registration fee for undergraduate students)
Means of travel (car, train, bus, plane, get ride from _____) Include all that apply *
Estimated cost of transportation ($) *
(please research flights and ground transportation costs)
Estimated cost of housing ($) (if sharing hotel room, list your portion of costs only) *
(Also list who you are rooming with, if you know.  To make our funds go further, we are requesting students try to room together where possible.)
Total funding amount requested ($) from the Math Dept.  Indicate also if you have sought funding from other sources. *
(For instance, REU programs often have a pool of funds for REU participants.  Please pursue those sources first.)
If you have previously received funding from the Math Dept to attend a conference, please list the conference, dates and amount awarded. Note: application for non-HMC funding will prioritize your request for funds from the math department.
Will you be presenting (yes/no)? *
(If so, please provide the relevant information in the questions below this one.)
Talk title (if presenting a talk)
Type/length of talk
Poster title (if presenting a poster):
Any other type of presentation?
If you are presenting research, where and with whom did you conduct the research?
Due Date for Abstract *
(when do you need to submit your abstract to the conference?)
Why do you wish to attend this conference?  How will attendance benefit you? *
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