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2BCA UNIT1(14-05-20)
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Q 1) The OOPs concept in C++, exposing only necessary information to users or clients is known as *
1 point
Q 2) Which of the following is an abstract data type? *
1 point
Q 3) Hiding the complexity is known as *
1 point
Q 4) For Cat and Animal class, correct way of inheritance is *
1 point
Q 5) In a class, encapsulating an object of another class is called *
1 point
Q 6)Features not available in C++ object oriented programming is *
1 point
Q 7)IS A relationship in C++ is *
1 point
Q 8) If you want to write multiple functions in a class with same name, then what C++ feature will you use? *
1 point
Q 9) Polymorphism types is/are *
1 point
Q 10) If I want to have common functions in a class and want to defer implementations of some other functions to derived classes, then we need to use *
1 point
Q11) Correct way of creating an object of a class called Car is *
1 point
Q12) In C++, Class object created statically(e.g. Car obj; and dynamically (Car *obj = new Car() ; ) are stored in memory *
1 point
Q13)True statement about Class and structure in C++ is *
1 point
Q14) In C++ programming, cout is a/an *
1 point
Q15) Which is Abstract Data Type in C++ *
1 point
Q16) Class allows only one object of it to be created though out the program life cycle *
1 point
Q17) Statically allocated object for class A in C++ is *
1 point
Q18) When you create an object of a class A like A obj ; then which one will be called automatically *
1 point
Q19) When you create an object of a derived class in C++ *
1 point
Q20) The class in C++ which act only as a base class and object of it cannot be created is *
1 point
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