The Manistee Area Leadership Program is a 9-month program commitment, including an initial meet & greet (Chamber UnTapped), opening retreat, attendance to the Business Awards Gala, community project, and closing retreat. Sessions will be held at various sites throughout Manistee County. Attendance of all sessions is critical to your success during the program.
Participants must live or work in Manistee County and the surrounding area, agree to attend the orientation opening retreat, all monthly sessions, participate in the community project, and the closing retreat.
Acceptance is based on:
- A demonstrated commitment to the area.
- A demonstrated desire to better understand and improve leadership skills.
- Interest in future community involvement.
- Ability to commit a minimum of Ten (10 ) hours a month to the program.
Prompt attendance at the opening retreat and all monthly sessions is a requirement of the program.
Absenteeism may result in being dropped from the program. If you are unable to make a full commitment, it is not in your best interest to apply at this time. The deadline to submit your application is Friday, August 16, 2024.