Page, AZ - 2024 Rural AZ Pitch Competition
PLEASE NOTE: Only residents/businesses who live in/near Page, AZ are allowed to apply. Out of state applicants will not be allowed to compete.
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First and Last Name *
Name of your business (if applicable) *
(If not applicable, please write NA.)
Name of your business partner (if applicable) *
(If not applicable, please write NA.) 
Home Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
What stage of development is your company (or idea) in currently?
(Feel free to check more than one box.) 
In 100 words or less, please describe your business, product or service.
Please address the following questions in your answer:
  • What does it do?
  • What is your unique selling proposition?
  • Why is it notable, and how is it better than what is already on the market?
  • How will you make it profitable?
Please confirm that you're signing up for the Page, AZ Pitch Competition. *
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