DU BHM 2023 Call For Programs
Please submit your Black History Month 2023 program(s) via this Google form. Any program submitted will be added to our 2023 BHM Heritage Month webpage and included in our community communications. There is no deadline to submit your program but please allow us 48 hours to update the website for all submissions after February 1, 2023. 

BCI Programs & Dates
Please send any flyers to John Robinson-Miller IV, Associate Director of DEI, Black Community Initiatives at john.robinson-miller@du.edu. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Program Point of Contact Name *
Program Point of Contact Email *
Host Department(s) *
Program Title *
Program Date *
Program Time *
Program Location *
Program Description *
Will be included on the BHM 2023 webpage. 
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