PPS School Sustainability Champions
Hello! By signing up below, you will join the contact list for School Sustainability Coordinators (SSCs) network. 

School Sustainability Coordinators (SSCs) are PPS staff members with an interest in promoting sustainability and climate justice at their schools and connecting with other teachers and staff across the district to share ideas, resources, challenges, and success stories. 

SSCs serve as the liaisons between the District PPS Sustainability Team and the on the ground work at our schools! 

We plan to launch the SSC network in January, including a communication platform to help teachers connect with each other and the start of quarterly SSC meetings where teachers can learn from each other, dive into important topics, and share ideas with district staff in order to support PPS work to shrink the District's environmental footprint.

Signing up now won't commit you to anything -- but it helps us gauge interest, plan for the SSC network launch, and get a head start on teacher recruitment. To learn more about some of our programs, check out the PPS Sustainability and Climate Justice pages at https://www.pps.net/sustainability and  https://www.pps.net/climatejustice 

Thank you so much for your interest!
PPS Sustainability and Climate Justice Teams
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Tell us a bit more -- without knowing too much about what a "School Sustainability Champions Network" is, what ideas or suggestions do you have for it? Your wildest dreams for it? Your vision of what it could be or what it shouldn't be...
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