Fitness & Wellness Student Employee Application
This form is for student employment within the Department of Recreation at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
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First Name *
Last name *
Including city, state, and zip code
Phone Number
E-mail Address *
What's your major *
Position Applying for *
Check all that apply
Date available to begin working
Are you a student at UMass Boston?
If no, you are not eligible to work in the Intramural and Recreation department.
Auswahl löschen
Do you have work study?
Auswahl löschen
If you have work study how much is your award? 
Do you have another on-campus job here at UMass Boston?
Auswahl löschen
Do you have another job within the Recreation Department at UMass Boston?
Auswahl löschen
Alle Eingaben löschen
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