Xaverian High School - 2024 Italy Trip

We would like to inform you that the official sign-up list for the Xaverian 2024 Italy Trip has now closed. We have received an overwhelming response and are grateful for the enthusiastic participation.

Due to the limited number of slots available, we regret to inform you that the official sign-up period has ended. However, we understand that there may still be individuals interested in joining the group; therefore, we are pleased to announce that the waiting list is now open.

The waiting list will be managed on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event that a registered participant cancels or an additional spot becomes available, we will contact individuals on the waiting list in the order of their registration.

To add your name to the waiting list, please fill out the waiting list form below. We will notify you via email or phone call if a spot becomes available and provide you with further instructions on how to confirm your participation.

We appreciate your understanding and patience. While we cannot guarantee a place for everyone, we encourage you to join the waiting list as cancellations may occur.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Di Palma (mdipalma@xaverian.org)

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!

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Student Cell Phone Number
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Parent Cell Phone Number
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