Tower Scholars Program Application - Class of 2028


Complete the application form below no later than 5 p.m. CT, January 31, 2025

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First Name *
Last Name *
Pronouns: *
Cell Phone Number: *
SMU Email Address *
Date of Birth: *
Home Street Address: *
Home City, State and Country (i.e. Dallas, TX, USA): *
Home Zip Code: *
Major(s): *
Minor(s): *
Academic interests other than Major(s) & Minor(s) listed above:
High School
Name, City, State and Country  

(i.e. Grapevine High School, Grapevine, TX, USA): 
List all colleges you have attended, starting with the most recent. 

Include school name and GPA 

(i.e. SMU, Dallas, TX, USA, 3.6)
Please indicate if you are part of any of the following programs/groups. (Select as many as apply)
Academic Honors and Awards 
List no more than 4 academic honors and awards.

Include the name of the honor or award, date received (mm/yyyy) and a description.

(i.e. 1. National Merit Award, 05/2020, National scholarship award for achieving a high score on the PSAT,  2. Academic Excellence Award in Biological Research, 12/2023, SMU awarded by Dedman College for excellent research in the field of Biology.)
Other, Non-Academic Honors and Awards 
List no more than 4 non-academic honors and awards.

Include the name of the honor or award, date received (mm/yyyy) and a description. 

(i.e. 1. M Award, 05/2024, The "M" Award is the highest recognition bestowed upon students, faculty, staff and administrators on the SMU Campus. 2. Employee of the Month, 08/2020, Recognition for excellent performance in team role at SMU's Tower Center. )
Language Proficiency

Please list any language(s) you have proficiency in. 

Include your level of proficiency for each (i.e. English, Native; Spanish, Basic Communication Skills). 

Levels of proficiency to choose from are: Native, Fluent, Good Command, or Basic Communication Skills.
Extracurricular & Volunteer Activity Since Graduating High School

List no more than 5 Activities.

For each activity listed, include the following: 
Activity, Level of Membership/Position, Time of Involvement MMM yyyy to MMM yyyy, and
Time Commitment (list hrs./week).

Format as shown below:
1. Mustang Heroes, Project Leader, Aug. 2023 to Oct. 2023, 1 hr./week
2. SMU Student Foundation, Activities Coordinator, Sept. 2023 to Dec. 2023, 5 hrs./week
3. SMU Student Senator, Finance Chair, Oct. 2023 to Present, 5 hrs./week
All Work Experience

List no more than 4 Jobs.

For each job listed, include the following: 
Company or Employer, Title/Position, Responsibilities, Dates of Employment MMM yyyy to MMM yyyy and
Time Commitment (list hrs./week).

Format as shown below:
1. Chick-fil-A Addison, Team Lead, Supervise and coach teammates on greeting customers and fulfilling orders, Jan. 2023 to Aug. 2023, 10 hrs./week.
2. SMU Student Worker, Hughes Trigg Front Desk, Greet guests and respond to questions about student activities and facilities, Aug. 2023 to  Dec. 2023, 5 hrs./week.
How did you hear about the SMU Tower Scholars Program? (Choose as many as apply)
Please tell us the three most important activities you participated in while in high school.

(i.e. 1. Culver Girls Academy Communications Co-Chair
2. Global Ambassador for the BSA United States Contingency at the 24th World Scout Jamboree
3. Culver Academies Global Pathways Spring Program- Italy)
Choose ONE of the activities above and tell us why it was important to you. (150-word limit)
Name the file as follows: "LastName, FirstName_TSP Essay"
As an applicant to the SMU Tower Scholars Program, please explain your interest in adding the study of public policy and international affairs to your undergraduate education. (600-word limit)*

In your answer please include: 

1. One specific experience, activity, or interest (research paper, work experience, policy issue or political project) that has led to your interest in this Program,

2.  Your long-range educational and professional objectives, and

3.  How you think the Tower Scholars Program will help you meet those objectives.

*Click here to upload your essay as a pdf. Name the file as follows: "LastName, FirstName_TSP Essay"

If you have questions, contact

Recommendation Letters

For your application to be complete, you need two recommendations (one must be from an SMU professor who has taught you). 

Be sure to do the following:

1. Request a recommendation from two recommenders, ensure one is SMU Faculty. Ask them about their communication preferences in terms of reminders.

2. Complete the Recommendation Release Form for each of your recommenders.

3. Send the recommendation form to your recommenders via e-mail.

4. Remind your recommenders in January about the deadline. (Depending on their communication preferences which you discussed when you requested the recommendation).

Certification and FERPA Release

By checking the box below, I certify all information submitted in the application process, including the application, essay and any supporting materials, is my own work, factually true and honestly presented. I understand that I may be subject to disciplinary action should the information I have certified by false.

By checking the box below, I authorize SMU to release my education records, including records related to grades, disciplinary proceedings, tuition and fees, and financial aid, to the SMU Tower Scholars Program selection committee and its representatives. I execute this FERPA release form voluntarily. This release shall remain in effect until revoked by me, in writing, and delivered to SMU.
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