Capax Dei New Leader Information Form
Despite receiving great education in Bible knowledge at Westmont, students sometimes don't know how to pray and connect with God and the scriptures in personal ways.
Capax Dei (loosely translated, "Capacity for God"), is the name for the community of small groups that meet during the school year, sponsored by the Westmont Campus Pastor's Office and the Martin Institute for Spiritual Formation.

These groups are designed to help college men and women create space for God in the midst of sometimes hectic lives, and introduce them to the classical spiritual disciplines of prayer, stillness and listening. These disciplines will better equip them for a life of faithfulness and obedience.
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What Does Capax Dei Look Like?
Groups begin during the first few weeks of school and continue for approximately 6-10 weeks, although leaders have freedom to adjust things as needed. Meeting times are set by the leader.*
Groups typically run about an hour and a half, and can meet on-campus or off-campus, although off-campus groups require a bit more logistical planning. The Martin Institute Retreat House on Westmont's Campus is generally available as a meeting place for Capax Dei groups, and a time slot can be secured by contacting the Campus Pastor's Office at

Student sign ups happen during the first few weeks of the semester through the Campus Pastor's Office. Once we receive names and group preferences, we will build the groups and send you a roster of names and contact information. After that, it's up to you to contact your students and begin your group!

The specific format and content of each Capax Dei group varies according to the vision and gifting of the individual leaders, but the heart of Capax Dei is encountering God's heart through scripture and turning it into prayer.  

We have in-house Study Guides that can take you through an entire semester, as well as a growing library of books on Spiritual Formation available on loan, if you would like to develop your own curriculum.

*Many leaders find it helpful to see when the semester breaks occur when planning group meetings. See for details.
Based on the information, I am... *
Help us get to know you!
Full Name: *
Best email to reach you: *
Cell Phone: *
Select one: *
What kinds of small groups, bible studies or prayer groups have you led or participated in? *
Please write a few sentences about your experiences in these groups and in particular your experience as a leader (if applicable).
What draws your interest in leading a Capax Dei group? *
What are some things that you do to nurture your relationship with God? *
Are you part of a local congregation? If so, where and for how long? *
Name & contact information of your pastor *
someone who knows you personally and can act as a spiritual reference
Are you willing to respect and uphold the particulars of the Westmont Community Life Statement in the groups you lead? *
Have Questions? Submit your questions below!
Hit "submit" below to complete the application. If we have more group leaders available than students, we will keep you on our list of leaders and let you know of other opportunities for you to be involved as they arise.
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