2023-2024 SLU Information Request Form
Campus Ministry, our Affiliate Ministries and Partner Faith Traditions and Churches welcome you to Saint Louis University. We would like to help connect you to your faith community.

Please take a few moments to fill out the contact form below which will be shared with the group(s) you select.

Click here (https://tinyurl.com/FaithTraditions) for more detailed descriptions of interfaith ministry groups at SLU. For more information about Campus Ministry at SLU, please check out our website: http://www.slu.edu/life-at-slu/campus-ministry/. You can also sign up to receive our newsletter which includes updates about upcoming programs, events and opportunities: https://tinyurl.com/y79ajx8e.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
I am interested in learning more about the following faith group(s).(Listed alphabetically) You may check more than one.  If your faith group is not represented, we are happy to speak with you about opportunities in St. Louis for you to connect.  Please see the next section below for more information. *
My faith group was not listed here but I'm interested in connecting with my group in St. Louis.  My faith tradition is:
Undergraduate or Graduate Student *
Cell Phone (Optional)
Residence Hall (if applicable)
Comments, questions, or notes:
By checking this box, I acknowledge the information shared in this form will be released by the Saint Louis University Department of Campus Ministry to the faith group(s) I selected. Should I decide later to have the University refrain from releasing the information, I must contact Campus Ministry to remove my name and contact information at campusministry@slu.edu. *
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