Sigma/Psi Summer Book Club

Learn more about everyday people torn apart by borders and the heart-wrenching stories of those who overcome them in the pages of Love Across Borders: Passports, Papers, and Romance in a Divided World by Anna Lekas Miller.

Join us for discussions about the beautiful stories within the book while learning more about forced migration and migrant/refugee health!

All of the book club meetings will take place over Zoom at 9am pacific time.

Additional resources related to the materials in the books and the discussion materials will be provided to participants.

  • June 21 9am PST: Nursing considerations for the physical challenges experienced by forced migrants
  • July 12 9am PST: Nursing considerations for the psychological challenges experienced by forced migrants
  • August 2 9am PST: Practical steps for nurses can take to advocate for migratory health
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