2024 Concordia University Irvine: Alumni Awards of Distinction & Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Since 2002, Concordia University Irvine has recognized distinguished alumni with the Alumnus of the Year Awards in both Professional Achievement and Distinguished Service. In 2020, we also started recognizing a G.O.L.D. (Graduate Of the Last Decade) Alumni Achievement recipient. Learn more: www.cui.edu/alumni/current-awards

Selected by the Alumni Association Board of Directors, the goal is to pay tribute to alumni and recognize their outstanding achievements and service to Concordia, their community, and/or their professions.

Hall of Fame nominees are selected by the CUI Athletic office.

Please complete this form no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, October 30, 2023.  Please send any supporting materials you deem appropriate to alumni@cui.edu (e.g. résumé, photo, newspaper clippings, letters of recommendation).

Nominees will be eligible for the current year nominated, plus two additional years.

Recipients of an Alumni Award (Professional Achievement, Distinguished Service, & G.O.L.D.) will receive:
- Special recognition at Concordia Connect/Homecoming Event and Gala of Stars.
- Two free tickets to the Gala of Stars (a $300+ value)

If you have any other questions please contact Tamara Sauer, Senior Director of Alumni & Family Relations.
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Nominee's Name *
Nominee's Class Year (if known)
If for Athletic Hall of Fame, which sport?
Nominated for: *
Nominee's Address *
Include address, city, state, and zip code. Indicate "unknown" if you do not know.
Nominee's Email Address *
Nominee's Phone Number
Nominee's Occupation, Employer, and Position *
Describe the nominee’s activities, achievements and contributions that you feel qualify him or her for the award. (max 1000 words) *
You may also email a letter of recommendation & any other materials to alumni@cui.edu
Your name *
Your Email *
Your Class Year(s)
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