Thank you for your interest in completing this anonymous cannabis assessment. There are three parts to this assessment that you can complete. Parts 1 and 2 include required questions, and Part 3 is optional.
- Part 1 will ask some basic questions about your cannabis use levels.
- Part 2 will ask for some feedback on the flyers/posters you may have seen around campus.
- Part 3 is optional, and it is a cannabis use disorder test. This self-administered survey can be used by anyone to see if their current cannabis use may be a problem. You will have to self-score each response with the listed point values and compare the final total to the values below to see what your score means.
Scores of 8 points or more indicate hazardous cannabis use. Scores of 12 or more indicate a possible cannabis use disorder and it would be a good idea to explore this more with a mental health professional