SCHOOLS TAKE ROOT                                                                                                                                                                                                         Registration form for establishments
Sign your school up for the Schools Take Root fundraising campaign by offering baskets of organic produce grown and delivered by a local farmer.

Équiterre will contact you to pair you up with one of our family farmers (provided that a producer is available in your region and that harvests are sufficient).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Contact information
Name of the school: *
Address: *
City: *
Postal code: *
Telephone: *
Email: *
Website: *
Number of students: *
Fundraising campaign
Where will the fundraising campaign be deployed? *
What will be the delivery period (give an approximate delivery date)? We recommend early in November to allow the farmer to plan crops and to have enough time for the marketing campaign. *
Who will be responsible for coordinating the fundraising campaign in your establishment (identify the person in charge)
Coordinator’s name *
Function (or relationship with the establishment) *
Telephone *
Email *
Fundraising campaign
Can you give us an estimate of how many baskets you think you might be able to sell for a delivery in fall 2017? *
Why are you interested in signing up for the Schools Take Root fundraising campaign? (you can specify more than one reason) *
Have you had any ties to a farmer in Équiterre’s network of family farmers in the past? *
If yes, please indicate the name of the farm:
Where did you hear about the Schools Take Root fundraising campaign? *
General information
Does your establishment currently have any activities aimed at promoting local, organic food? *
If yes, please specify:
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