Change Major/Advisor
Please enter both your current major and your new major.  Program (Major) changes made AFTER the first week of the semester will not take effect until the NEXT TERM.   Changes to advisor can be made at any time.

If you think you need to change your major within the current semester, please contact your campus Counseling Center for guidance.  (Click on the text, "Your email" to begin.)
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Student J Number *
Phone number (include area code) *
Campus *
You may choose to continue with your current catalog term (requirements in place when you last enrolled at JCC) or the newest requirements for the new degree, which may reflect recent changes to general education or curriculum. If your advisor suggested a specific catalog term, choose "other" and enter the semester and year.
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Current Program (Major) Type
If you are not changing your major, skip to advisor change section below.
Name of Current Program (select one)
New Program (Major) Type
Name of New Program (select one)
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