Concrete Paver Installer Course Registration
Complete this form to register for the virtual Concrete Paver Installer Course. Please note only educators are eligible to take this course for free.
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Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Mailing Address *
Name of the school where you teach. *
What subject(s)/ classe(s) do you teach? *
Robert Bowers (ICPI Director of Engineering) will be hosting a special 2h online meeting for educators who have completed the course materials. During this meeting, Robert will answer questions and review materials before the end of the course exam as well as talk about how this course could be taught to your class! To help schedule a date and time for this Zoom meeting please indicate any time preferences that you have.   *
I give Landscape Ontario permission to share my information with ICPI to provide me with registration details for the ICPI Concrete Paver Installer Course. *
I verify that I am an educator at the above-mentioned school. *
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