Special Event Tabling or Presentation Request
If you would like GrowNYC represented at your event, please fill out the following form.
Due to the high frequency of requests, please allow for at least 2 weeks response time. 
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Email *
Event Logistics
Event Date *
If multiple dates or tentative date, use the comment section to add details.
Event Day *
Event Name *
Event Type *
Borough *
Event Location *
Write exact address and the name of the location if applicable.
Event Start Time *
Event End Time *
Expected Number of Participants *
Organization *
Event Coordinator *
Phone Number
Email Address *
Event Details
Event Blurb *
GrowNYC Programs Requested *
Check all GrowNYC programs you want represented at your event.
Event Format *
Please be specific and include your vision for GrowNYC's participation.
Who is your audience? *
What are the participant demographics and would you like us to provide content in languages other than English if available.
How is the event being promoted? *
What other organizations and businesses will exhibit? *
For tabling events, what equipment can you provide (if any)?
Additional Comments
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