Pack 137 Anti-Bullying Contract
Scout and Parent/Guardian Agreement

All Cub Scouts have the right to feel and be physically and emotionally safe at all Pack 137 events and activities (i.e. Pack Meetings, Campouts, Summer Camp, Overnights, Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold Dinner, etc.) I will do everything I can personally, as a Scout of Pack 137, to live by the Scout Oath and Laws at all times and to create and preserve a physically and emotionally safe environment for all Scouts in the Pack.
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Scout's Responsibility

I commit  I will not bully any Scouts and if I witness or experience any bullying, I will report it immediately to the Cubmaster or Adult Leader responsible for the event or activity.
Scout's Name (typed by scout) *
Scout's Grade *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Date *
Bullying Consequences
The Scouts and Parents understand that Bullying could result in the following disciplinary action:

1. Delay in getting signed off on Rank Advancements, Awards, and Badges/Pins.
2. Suspension from future Pack Meetings.
3. Suspension from future Pack Campouts and other events.
4. Suspension from Summer Camp.
5. Expulsion from the Pack
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