Request for Disability Accommodations
Complete this form to request academic accommodations at Shenandoah University. Documentation to support this request can be emailed to Elizabeth Athey, Accessibility Specialist, at This documentation needs to be on letterhead, and should state the disability, outline its functional limitations and the recommendations for accommodations. It must be signed. While we do not have to abide by those recommendations, we often find them quite helpful. This could also be in the form of your IEP/504 Plan, as long as your diagnosis is listed on that documentation. Documentation written in prescription form or without signature(s) will not be accepted. Due to the changing nature of many disabilities, it is recommended that all documentation be within the last five (5) years. This is a recommendation, but there is flexibility. Please contact Elizabeth with any questions.
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Please select the first semester for which accommodations are needed
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First Name *
Last Name *
SU Email Address
Alternative Email Address (only if SU address is not yet established)
Student's Phone Number *
Major or Program of Study *
Academic Classification *
Disability Category (check all that apply) *
Accommodations requested
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