CEITR Annual Research Labs
Registration Form

CEITR Research Labs are structured frameworks containing projects that focus on broad, cutting edge topics in the field of education. Through the research labs, we connect people, implement effective process, and generate great products; 3Ps is our formula for success.

The goal of the labs is to support a cluster of related projects to be completed within 12 months from their initiations. All projects are planned to be submitted to peer-reviewed conferences for presentation and journals for publication. A team of 3-4 researchers work on each project. Every team has a team leader and members playing specific roles as methodologist, literature reviewer, or writer.  Materials and step by step guidelines are provided for the teams. Monthly Web-based meetings are held to discuss the projects and support the researchers carrying out the projects.  Each lab may include multiple projects. After completing the current projects, new set of projects related to the lab topic are developed.

If you are interested in joining CEITR Research Labs for the next calendar year, please complete and submit this form.  

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Email *
Your first and last name *
Your role and affiliation   *
Your degree *
Your discipline *
Your research method expertise *
Your requested role at research team *
Your requested role at research team *
If you have any proposed research topic(s), please add them here.  
If have any proposed co-researcher(s), please add their names and email addresses here.  
Research Lab Team Membership Terms

By joining CEITR or  CDS Alumni SIG Research Teams, researchers agree to follow these terms:  

Team members should keep up with their meaningful contributions as requested by the team. Excuses due to emergencies, unexpected situations, and health crises are acceptable for late submission of the assigned work. The overdue work should be submitted to the team immediately after the emergency is resolved.  

Team members should attend all team meetings and general research lab meetings. Excuses due to emergencies, unexpected situations, and health crises are acceptable for missing a limited number of meetings. Inappropriate reactions and language in public or private meetings and interactions are not acceptable. UOPX Faculty code of ethics should be followed for all interactions. 

The order of co-authorship is based on the team members/authors’ meaningful contributions to the development of the project and manuscript. Team members should maintain their continuous contributions to the project and manuscript development from the beginning of the project until the end of project publication to be qualified as co-authors. 

Team members whose membership is terminated are not qualified as co-authors for the project publication.  Meaningful contribution to the team project is a contribution that meets the team's requested criteria and is approved by the team leader.

Data collected belong to all members of the team. No individual member or members of the team may use team data to publish or present independently.      

 Research Lab Team Membership Termination

Warning notes are issued via email to team members who do not follow the membership terms. 

If the team member continues negating the membership terms and the warning notes, team members will be terminated after the third note.    

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