Beyond Antiracist Pedagogies Retreat
Please register for the "Beyond Antiracist Pedagogies" Retreat at the Penrose House. The retreat will take place on August 15 from 9:30-3:30 and August 16 from 9:30-1:00. Registration includes breakfast and lunch both days as well as a $500 stipend for full participation ($250 for one day). Sponsored by the Mellon "Humanities For Our Times" Grant.

The retreat will be moderated by Dr. William Anderson. Dr. Anderson earned his Ed.D from the University of Colorado at Denver in Education Leadership for Educational Equity. He works with school districts and education organizations (large and small) to rethink and reform their institutional practices to better serve all students, but in particular BIPOC students and communities. Dr. Anderson’s research centers on the use of authentic student voice to directly impact school systems, in particular the language and cultural practices in schools. He has worked with the University of Denver and the DPS school board to develop recommendations and next steps for the districts to better service its BIPOC students, while providing a critical analysis of the  district’s current systems and structures. He is currently the Director of Teacher Education and Clinical Professor at the Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver.
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