CER Cohort Interest Form
The  NSF ADVANCE SPACES Team cordially invites you to be a member of our Community-Engaged Research (CER) Cohort. The CER Cohort was designed to support underrepresented minority (URM) junior faculty in civil and environmental engineering whose research involves direct engagement with the public and/or impacted communities. Please indicate your level of interest and involvement in the Cohort below.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Affiliation & Institution (i.e., Department & University) *
Would you like to be a member of the CER Cohort?  *
Are you attending the 2023 AEESP meeting in Boston?
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Will you need travel support (funding) to attend the 2023 ASEEP Meeting in Boston?
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What activities would you be interested in as a CER Cohort member? Select all that apply.
Roughly what percentage of your professional activities (e.g., research, teaching, service) involve community engagement? 
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Please describe your experiencial knowledge of the challenges faced by impacted communities, as it relates to environmental engineering and sciences. 
If you are comfortable, please share any challenges you have faced in carrying out CER as an underrepresented minority in environmental engineering and sciences (or related fields). 
Please let us know if you have other thoughts that were not captured in previous questions. 
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