Volunteer Program Registration Form
Welcome to the Volunteer Program for 2024-2025 school year! Our center staff is pleased to serve as a hub for your volunteer hours and to assist you in finding community engagement placements for your volunteer experiences.

Once you have registered through this form, you can submit any volunteer hours you have with our center by documenting your hours on our volunteer booklet. Students can submit this booklet via email at servicelearning@miracosta.edu or they can drop off their booklet in person to the Service Learning & Volunteer Center.

If you need one-on-one help, please email us at servicelearning@miracosta.edu so our staff can help you get started.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Have you volunteered before?
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Why do you think volunteering, community engagement, and civic engagement are important?
What's your most fond memory about volunteering?
What was the most challenging part about volunteering?
Would you like to receive updates on volunteer opportunities, workshops, service scholarships, guest speakers, days of service, etc.? *
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