Cathedral Caverns State Park Seasonal Employment  Application
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Date Available to Report to Work
Date of Birth
Address Including City, State and Zip Code
Phone Number
Driver License Number and State of License
Parents' Name (only if under age of 18)
Highest Level of Education
Clear selection
What type of work are you applying for?
Wages you will accept per hour
Present Employer- Name, Address, Phone Number, Dates Worked, Salary and Reason for Leaving
Former Employer- Name, Address, Phone Number, Dates Worked, Salary and Reason for Leaving
Three References- Name, Address and Phone Number
Have you ever been arrested for an offense other than a minor traffic violation? If yes, please explain:
Please list any qualifications or reasons that you feel might help us consider you for employment:
Please type in your initials certifying the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and that you understand that incorrect information, given knowingly, is sufficient cause to deny or terminate employment. *
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