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Section B: 50 Picture Test Questions
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1: Co-axial Mapleson D system is?
1 point
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2: Which of these systems is used for neonatal anesthesia?
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3: The airways could be maintained with one of the above
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4: The following have ASA 3 and 4 physical status except
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5: Which of these is not an essential part of anesthetic machine ?
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6: Soda lime absorption system is made up of the following except
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7: Soda lime absorption is made up of the following except
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8: Which of the following is a neuro-axial block?
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9: The size of spinal needle used for subarachnoid block includes:
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10: Regional anesthetic technique include the following except?
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11: The following are anesthetic vapours excepts
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12: Inhalational anesthesia include the following except?
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13: Hypertension under anesthesia may be caused by all except
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14: Causes of intra-operative hypoxemia include all except
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15: The following are associated with full stomach except?
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16: The family of premedicants include the following except?
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17: Raised PCO2 is expected in all the following except?
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18: Balanced anaesthesia is?
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19: Which of the following is used for monitoring ventilation under anaesthesia
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20: Correct placement of endotracheal tube confirmed by?
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21: Which of the following about ESR is incorrect
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22: First reaction in haemostasis
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23: Concerning galactosemia which of the following is not correct
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24: ABO incompatible transfusion is characterized by
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25: The sickling of sickle haemoglobin(HbS) etythrocytes may be ameliorated by any of these
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26: The aim of crossmatching during blood transfusion does not include
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27: The preferred form of iron in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia is
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28: Hypochromic microcytic anemia is classically caused by
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29: Intravascular thrombous formation is most unlikely when there is
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30: The philadelphia chromosome is most often associated with which disease
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31: Nlacin deficiency is associated with
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32: Which of the following is false about vit C
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33: Lactate that is released into circulation can be converted back to glucose in the
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34: All of the following may characterize sickle cell anemia except that
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35: liver conversion of bilirubin to the hydrophillic form secreted in bile involves
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37: Main platelet fxn test is
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38: Jaundice within the 1st 24hrs of life
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39: Sickle cell anemia is an example of
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40: Concerning bleeding disorders
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41: Which of the following drugs is not likely to cause heamolysis in a patient with G6PD deficiency
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42: Most likely cause of epistaxis in an uncontious Nigerian
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43:Acquired specific immunity
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44: the following can cause tb reactivation in an individual xcept
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45: The major scavenger cell involved in the inflammatory response is
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47: Which of the following statements concerning IgG is correct
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48: Concerning melanocytes
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49: Neutrophils
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50:Which category of hypersensitivity reactions best describes hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by rhesus incompatibility
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51: Regarding diagnostic screening test
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52: characteristics of chromosome except
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53: Suppurative lymph adenopathy may be caused by the following except
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54: Muscle pain, esinophilia, facial oedema and GI Upsets are classical symptoms of clinical
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55: Which of the following is true of viral hepatitis
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56: Meningitis is a feature of the following except
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57: Praziquantel is effective for treatment of the following except
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58: in rabies
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59: Which of the following substances has the lowest renal cleaeance
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60: The following vaccines is NOT contraindicated in patients with HIV infection
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61: In a patient with chronic hepatitis B, which one of this would suggest that the infection is in a chronic phase stage?
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62: The following is true of viral hepatitis
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63: Diphyllobotum latum causes anemia by
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64: Skeletal muscle, cardiac and CNS tissue involvement occurs with which of the following
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65: A rising titre of antistreptolysin O indicates a diagnosis of
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66: Agents that should be used initially in the mgt of Ascaris or enterobius vermicularis include
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67: Which statement about HIV virus is not true
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68: Which of the following statements concerning S.Mansoni infestation is false
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69: which is not recommended for PEP
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70: The most common cause of meningitis in children in the age range 6months-5yrs.
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71: Risk of congenital rubella is highest in an infant when the mother becomes infected
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72: Muscle pains, eosinophilia, fascial edema, gastrointestinal upsets are classical symptoms of
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73: Which of the following parasitic disease is wrongly matched against vector
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74: Which of the following disease is most commonly prevented with orally administered vaccines
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75: Parasites which infect humans by penetrating the skin include which of the following
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76: The following is true of viral hepatitis
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77: In a patient with chronic hepatitis B, which one of this would suggest that the infection is in a chronic phase stage?
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78: the fully developed cyst of e histolytica contains
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79: Persistent diarrhoea in AIDS is caused by
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80: A skin swelling with a punctum is likely to be a
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81: AIDS defining illness
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82: Herpes zoster
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83: Potts disease
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84: Zidovudine inhibits the following viruses
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85: The following are true except: In typhoid fever
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86: Malaria may be associated with
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87: Complications of salmonella infection include
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88: Pyrexia of undetermined origin may be traced to
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89: Opportunistic infections in AIDS include
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90: During the sero-conversion period of HIV Infection the following may occur
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91: The following statements about infection are true except
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92: In ancylostomiasis
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93: Engagement is strictly defined as:
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The heart rate of a normal fetus at term:
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In a pregnant patient with bicornuate uterus the following complications may occur, except:
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Which of the following is suggestive of ovulation?
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In normal physiological changes in pregnancy, all of the following are increased EXCEPT:
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All of the following causes Oligohydromnios except:  
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The following statements are all TRUE about vomiting in pregnancy, except:
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An Ultrasound in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is done for:  
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In normal pregnancy, the value of  β-hCG doubles every:
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Which of the following is NOT a presumptive symptom/sign of pregnancy?
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Which of the following procedures allow the earliest retrieval of DNA for prenatal diagnosis in pregnancy:
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 All of the following are increased in multiple gestation EXCEPT:
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Excessive increased level of  β-HCG is expected in:
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14 weeks pregnant woman had abortion and she was told that it is a complete abortion. This is true regarding complete abortion:
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Regarding cervical incompetence, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:
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A 25-year-old primigravida with 8 weeks threatened abortion, ultrasound would most likely reveal:
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A consultant in the neonatal intensive care unit is recommending a trial of pyridoxine for a patient. Which of the following problems in a newborn infant might respond to a pharmacologic dose of pyridoxine?
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A newborn infant gags and chokes with feedings. He has just had an apneic spell during a feed resulting in significant cyanosis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
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A 7-day-old infant develops white, cheesy patches on the tongue and buccal mucosa with mild inflammation of the mucosa. Which of the following organisms is most likely the cause of these oral lesions?
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 A 35-week-gestation infant is delivered weighing 3.9 kg, with an omphalocele and a large tongue. No other abnormalities are detected. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
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A mother presents for prenatal care with a complicated medical history as listed in the following choices. Which of the conditions most predisposes her fetus to congenital heart disease?
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A 3-day-old infant is requiring phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia. Which of the following risk factors best predicts the occurrence of ABO isoimmune hemolytic disease in a newborn?
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The pediatric surgeon is requesting an echocardiogram on a hospitalized newborn with a congenital defect of the gastrointestinal tract. Which of the following defects has the highest incidence of associated cardiac defects?
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 A patient with streptococcal pharyngitis develops tender red bumps along her entire tibia. What is the most likely diagnosis?
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A newborn boy has deficiency of the abdominal muscles and urinary tract abnormalities. What other anomaly will you most likely find?
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A 6-year-old girl with short stature has webbing of the neck, a low posterior hairline, a broad chest, and cubitus valgus. Which organ is affected most frequently in patients with this syndrome?
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A 3-month-old infant has persistent stridor. What is the most likely cause?
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A 14-year-old boy has an acutely painful and swollen scrotum. What should be the next step?
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A 16-year-old adolescent has morbid obesity. Which of the following conditions is the most common cause for pulmonary insufficiency in obese adolescents?
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A 2-year-old boy from Sudan has failure to thrive, chronic diarrhea, and severe candidiasis. You suspect HIV infection. Which of the followingorganisms would most likely be foundon stool examination?
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 A7-year-old girl develops secondary nocturnal enuresis. What is the next best study?
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A newborn has been diagnosed with aniridia. Which of the following tests should be performed on this patient?
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 A 38-week infant is born to a mother with gestational diabetes. Birth weight is 4255 g. What would you expect to see most commonly in this infant?
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An infant has been diagnosed with congenital hypoparathyroidism. What are you most likely to find on evaluation?
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A 2-year-old toddler has a large abdominal mass and pancytopenia. Which of the following diagnoses would most likely be established by bone marrow aspiration?
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A 4-year-old boy has failed to grow and has evidence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. What is the most likely cause for this?
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An 8-month-old child has vomiting and screaming episodes for 12 hours. Physical examination reveals a sausage-shaped mass in the right upper quadrant. Which of the following would be most useful?
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A6-year-old girl presents with unilateral nonpainful, nonsuppurative conjunctivitis and preauricular lymphadenitis. What is the most likely causative organism?
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Which of the following is not a common ophthalmic emergency?
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What radiological investigation is most useful in breast cancer screening?
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 Which of the following is an invasive radiological imaging technique?
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Which of the following statement is true of general anaesthesia?
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Which of these statements is NOT correct about spinal anaesthesia?
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Which of the following is NOT an indication for Tracheostomy?
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The common complications of otitis media do NOT include
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Which one of these is NOTa common foreign body seen in the ear of children?
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Which of the following is NOT a common cause of epistaxis?
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Which of the following is NOT useful in the management of malignant pleural effusion?
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 Which one of these procedures is carried out during the removal of a chest tube?
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The commonest cause of oesophageal rupture is
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Which of the following features is specific in osteogenesis imperfecta?
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Concerning tetanus, which of these is NOT true?
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Which is incorrect concerning the application of a plaster castfor a fractured tibia in a 7-year old boy?
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Which of the following should NOT be included in the early management of ankle injuries?
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Which of the following is NOT characteristicof chronic osteomyelitis?
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The commonest microorganism implicated in the aetiology of osteomyelitis is
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Which of the following is NOTassociated with Cleft palate?
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A 65-year old man has an ulcer on the nose, with raised and rolled up edges. The likely diagnosis is
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The cut-off period of increase in size between hypertrophic scar and keloid is
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Which among the following is the commonest cause of neonatal intestinal obstruction?
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The causes of hypertension in Nephroblastoma include
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Which one of the following statements is NOT trueconcerning childhood abdominal masses?
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Which of the following is correctconcerning Wingspread classification of anorectal malformation?
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Which of following is true concerning Spina bifida?
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Which of the following conditions is NOT associated with hydrocephalus?
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The tumour from which of the following organsdoes NOT metastasize to the brain?
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 Side effects of OCP include all the following EXCEPT:
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Which one of the following is NOT known to predispose to wound dehiscence?
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A Glasgow Coma Score of 8 is indicative of which level of head injury?
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What is the best radiological study for the initial evaluation of head injury?
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Which one of the following factors is associated withincreased risk of Erectile dysfunction?
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The most common cause of incontinence in the elderly is
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Bladder is palpable/percussable only when it contains at least
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Painful haematuria is NOT the classical presentation  in
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Undescended testis is commonly found
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Carcinoma of the prostate
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Which one of the following findings on rectal examination suggests BPH?
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Which of these is NOT a common cause of haematuria in our environment?
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Traumatic rupture of the membranous urethra
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Which of the following is an early symptom of BPH?
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The commonest histological type of carcinoma of the breast is
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A colostomy is
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Which of the following is correct about Goitre?
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Which of the following is NOT a cause of gastrointestinal obstruction?
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Which of the following is NOT true of haemorrhoids?
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Which of these organs is the most commonly injured in penetrating abdominal injury?
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One feature that is NOT a risk factor in gastric malignancy is
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The commonest hernia in a female is
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Which of the following is NOT a complication of diverticular disease?
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Which of the following is the worst prognostic factor in breast cancer?Patients age > 50years.
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In hypovolaemic shock, the most useful single monitoring tool is
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Which of these is characteristic of a tuberculous ulcer?
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Which of the following is NOT true of indirect inguinal hernia?
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The most crucial obstacle to current safe surgery is considered to be
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Select one maneuver that CANNOT ascertain the position of nasogastric tube in the stomach.
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Identify one feature NOT seen in obstructive jaundice.
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The most important factor in pyogenic infection is
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Mechanisms of Oral Contraceptive Pills include all of the following EXCEPT:
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 All the following are considered to be complications of gestational diabetes, EXCEPT:
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 Which of the following is contraindication for delivery using vacuum extraction?
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Trans placental infection occurs with all, EXCEPT:  
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A premature birth has been defined as:
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The following has a recognized relation with spontaneous preterm labor:
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In cases with premature rupture of membranes, all the following are acceptable in the conservative management except:
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Which of the followings is a contraindication to a trial of labor after cesarean delivery?
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All the following are causes of DIC in pregnancy, EXCEPT:  
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 A 28 years old patient complains of the amenorrhea after D & C for postpartum bleeding. The most likely diagnosis:
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A Rh-negative woman has increased chances of being immunized during pregnancy when:
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Anti-D prophylaxis:
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In placenta previa: Which is true?
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A 33-year-old woman at 37 weeks’ gestation confirmed by early sonogram presents with moderate to severe vaginal bleeding, and is noted by sonogram to have placenta previa, which of the following is the best management for her.
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 Acceptable management of possible rupture ectopic pregnancy would include all of the following EXCEPT:
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Missed abortion may cause one of the following complication:  
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A 25-year-old primigravida with 8 weeks threatened abortion, ultrasound would most likely reveal:
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Regarding cervical incompetence, all of the following are true, EXCEPT:
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14 weeks pregnant woman had abortion and she was told that it is a complete abortion. This is true regarding complete abortion:
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Excessive increased level of  β-HCG is expected in:
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The cardinal symptom of Acute Pancreatitis is
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Which of the following is the most important parameter in shock?
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A newborn is noted to have a darkened swelling of the scalp that does not cross the midline. This is most likely a:
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Polyhydramnios is frequently observed in all of the following conditions except:
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The pentalogy of Cantrell includes all of the following except:
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 In infants with duodenal atresia all the following statements are true except:
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The calorie-nitrogen ratio for an infant should be maintained at:
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 A term infant 48 hours of age suddenly develops hypoxemia, irritability, and glucose and temperature instability. Which of the following statements are true?
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Which of the following is the most common primary lung tumor in infants and children?
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The following are not usual manifestations of atopy:
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The following are endocrine causes of short stature except
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The clinical diagnosis of rheumatic fever can be made using the Duckett Jone’s criteria in the presence of evidence of antecedent streptococcal infection. Which one of the five combinations below satisfies the diagnosis of Rheumatic fever?
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You have just prescribed phenytoin for a 12-year-old boy with new onset of epilepsy. Of the following side effects, which is most likely to occur in this patient?
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A term infant is born to a mother who has been using crack cocaine. This infant is at increased risk for which of the following?
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 A 3-month-old infant presents with poor growth and inadequate weight gain. There is no history of vomiting or diarrhea. Except for the appearance of malnutrition and lack of subcutaneous fat, the physical examination is normal. What is the most likely cause of this child’s failure to thrive?
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Missed abortion may cause one of the following complication:  
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Acceptable management of possible rupture ectopic pregnancy would include all of the following EXCEPT:
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Congenital Hypothyroidism can occur
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Isolated congenital talipes equinovarus is most likely to be the result of
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 Osteomyelitis in sickle cell disease
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The bone changes of sickle cell disease are particularly encountered in all except
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One of these is not a common malignant bone tumour in the younger age group:
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Among the causes of varus angular deformity of the knee, one of these is predominant in West African sub-region:
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Talipes equino-varus
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Talipes equino-varus is characterized by all except:
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Tragal tenderness is a sign of?
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Nasal obstruction and mouth breathing in children under four years is most likely due to?
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A 3 year old child with nasal obstruction, rhinolalia clausa, rhinorrhoea, snoring and sleep apnea disturbance may be suffering from
1 point
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Unilateral nasal discharge in a child is suggestive off?
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 Which of these systems is used for neonatal anesthesia?
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Which of the following childhood tumours has been associated with aniridia?
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Some cases of congenital anomalies result from the effects of teratogen. At what period during gestation is the embryo/fetus most susceptible?
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 Which of the following conditions is associated with low level of maternal alpha fetoproteins?
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Syndactyly could be associated with which of the following anomalies?
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Which is not true about cerebral palsy?
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 Which of the following is not a treatment modality for hydrocephalus?
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Which of the following is not a cutaneous stroma of an underlying spinal dysraphism?
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A newborn with trisomy 21 develops bilious emesis on the first day of life. An abdominal x-ray reveals a “double bubble sign.” Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
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An 8-day-old infant develops inflammatory papules and pustules on the forehead, nose, and malar areas of the face. The child is otherwise well, and the remainder of the physical examination is normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
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A full-term, ill appearing, infant presents with vesicles and large bullae shortly at birth. Which of the following is most likely?
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A mother with hyperparathyroidism just delivered a term infant who appears healthy. Which of the following problems is likely to develop in her infant?
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You are evaluating an infant born at 39 weeks gestation weighing 2000 g. Which of the following would be the appropriate classification of this infant?
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Which of the following statements is true concerning childhood brain tumors?
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Which of the following is not a cause of congenital hydrocephalus?
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Meningocele, all are true except?
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