Course Override Form Fall 2024
Please be mindful if a class has a waiting list you will need to add yourself to the waiting list and wait until a seat becomes available. By adding yourself to the course override form will not gain your access to the class with a waiting list.  For more information on waitlisting click the link
Email *
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Student ID Number- 917 *
Total Credit Hours Earned *
Your Current Major *
Graduation Semester *
Graduation Year
Please use 4 digit formatting. YYYY
What course heading do you need an override for? *
Course Number *
Section Number *
Please provide a detailed explanation as to why you are requesting this particular course. Also, please list any other CRNs for this course that will work with your schedule, in order of preference. *
I confirm the information I am submitting is accurate. I understand that if I submit false or incomplete information my override request will not be considered. *
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