Coffee with Principal Feedback 23-24
Hello Parents!

This year we have offered five Coffee with the Principal sessions on the following topics:

April 16, 2024: Tiered Behavior Supports

March 12, 2024: School Safety

February 6, 2024: Supporting Academic Needs with MTSS

December 5, 2023: SCE Gifted and Talented Program

October 24, 2023: Open Forum Q and A with Mrs. Pekarek and Mrs. Anton

Please provide us with your feedback from these parent sessions and let us know what topics you would be interested in learning more about in the upcoming school year.

Thank you!

I attended the following sessions this year: *
The session(s) I attended:
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If you selected "exceeded" expectations, please share what you appreciated about the session(s) you attended that you hope to see continued. 
If you selected "met" or "below" expectations, please share your open feedback so we can continue to improve.
If you were unable to attend a session, tell us how we can better accommodate things so you can participate in the future.
What additional topics would you like to see covered in future Coffee with the Principal sessions? *
Please provide any other comments or feedback you would like to share with Mrs. Pekarek.
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