Youth Activity Event @ CTC 
Join us for our ‘Weekly Youth Activity Events,’ a fantastic opportunity for youth aged 5-18 to come together, play board games or complete a craft, and socialize in a fun, supervised environment.  Please complete the RSVP form below before the event by noon.

Sunday 3/31: Egg Hunt (outdoors) and Crafting Easter egg baskets from recycled cartons (indoors)
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Note: The Easter Egg Hunt replaces our typical weekly Youth Activity Events for this week (March 31). The event will resume for regular programming again next Sunday, April 7th, from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. April 7th will be the last session of the weekly Youth Activity Events.
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Are you attending? *
Please enter the number (quantity) of children attending: *
List names of children attending, as well as their age and any allergies:
Emergency Contact: Phone Number *
Indicate whether your child will bring a board game (or multiple) and specify the game's name. *
If your child is bringing a game, please specify the game's name:
  • Supervision Agreement: Parents must acknowledge and agree that children will be supervised by community volunteers, not teachers or trained professionals. Parents are responsible for supervising their child, or they can trust our community volunteers and adhere to our co-op's guidelines and Code of Conduct. While we will do our best, parents must understand their ultimate responsibility for their child's supervision.
  • Agree to Code of Conduct: We strive to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment for all participants. Children attending our community youth activity events must adhere to the following the Code of Conduct:
    • Respect: Treat fellow participants, volunteers, and property with respect, kindness, and consideration.
    • Inclusivity: Embrace diversity and be inclusive of all participants, regardless of their background, abilities, or interests.
    • Safety: Follow safety guidelines provided by volunteers and event organizers. Use board games and equipment responsibly.
    • Cooperation: Participate in games and activities cooperatively, ensuring a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.
    • Cleanliness: Keep the event space clean by disposing of trash and taking care of board games. Leave the area better than you found it.
    • No Bullying: Bullying, harassment, or disrespectful behavior towards others will not be tolerated.
Special to the Easter Egg Hunt Event (3/31):  By submitting this RSVP form, I acknowledge and agree to the following - as the participant or parent/guardian/caretaker of a participant on their behalf - that:
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By clicking the boxes below, you accept the agreements stated above on behalf of the individuals you are registering to attend.
Volunteer Sign-Up
We rely on parents and community members to volunteer and help supervise the events. To ensure a safe adult-to-child ratio, we require at least 1 adult per 6 children. Volunteers should sign up 2-3 days in advance, depending on the corresponding event's RSVP count for the number of attending children. If we do not have enough volunteers sign-up in time, the event will be canceled.
Would you like to volunteer to help supervise this event? *
Special to the Easter Egg Hunt Event (3/31):  What would you like to help volunteer with during the event?
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Notice of Photography: 
Pictures may be taken at CTC events and spaces and used/published by our co-op. By completing the RSVP form and/or entering the event space, you acknowledge and grant consent to be photographed, as well as accept the photos may be used for display or in future promotions for CTC. If you don’t wish to be included, please inform the photographer.
1250 Fifield Ave, Falcon Heights, MN  |  651-646-7526  |
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