PBPL 398 Internship Enrollment Form
In PBPL 398, students receive credit for completing an internship by taking this accompanying academic seminar (1 credit in total). The seminar is open only to students who have already completed an internship, OR who will undertake an internship in the concurrent semester. If you wish to take PBPL 398 in an upcoming semester, you need to take two steps:

(1) Enroll in a section of PBPL 398 during pre-registration.

(2) Independently secure an internship and obtain approval for the internship via this form. (If you have already completed the internship but intend to take PBPL 398 in an upcoming semester, you should also complete the form.) Within a week of completing the form you will receive confirmation from a PBPL professor if you are approved to apply the relevant internship to major credit through PBPL 398. Please complete the form as soon as you have secured your internship, and no later than one week before the start of classes in the relevant semester. Students who have not secured an internship and completed the form by one week before the start of classes will not be permitted to continue in PBPL 398 for that semester.

General Information about PBPL Major Internships
To qualify for PBPL 398, you must ensure that the internship fulfills the following three criteria:
(a) Time Worked: Minimally 120 hours of work (e.g. 8 hours/week during a 15-week semester; a month of full-time work; 2 months of half time work).
(b) Substance: The internship needs to be substantively related to your PBPL major concentration (e.g. Law & Society, Policy Analysis, Education Policy, etc.).
(c) Tasks: You need to be doing and observing policy-related work beyond errands or clerical tasks. The exposure should be sufficient to allow you to write an op-ed and policy memo related to your internship work.

Most students complete the internship during the semester, simultaneous to taking PBPL 398. The internship can also be completed during the summer, in which case students should enroll in PBPL 398 in the fall. If you complete a policy internship abroad, you may take PBPL 398 in the subsequent fall or spring semester. Before accepting an internship, please carefully consider whether the internship meets the aforementioned criteria and consult with your advisor if you are unsure. Final, formal approval for the internship is granted via this form. Therefore, it is wise to fill out this form and seek approval for the internship before accepting the position.

To secure an internship, please reach out to the Center for Career and Life Design to work on developing a resume and cover letter. https://careerlifedesign.trincoll.edu/
You can then apply for listings that meet the above requirements on Handshake: https://trincoll.joinhandshake.com/login  
You can also contact organizations of interest (in Greater Hartford or beyond) to inquire about internship opportunities. Career and Life Design can provide advice on this process.
Remember, all PBPL students complete an internship, so talk to your classmates about how they found internships and what they recommend. A database of past student internships with student contact information can be found here: https://bit.ly/PBPLInternshipDatabase 
Your professors and advisor also may have recommendations.

Note: You may also take PBPL 310 Tax Policy and Inequality or LAAL 201 Hartford Research Project to fulfill the internship requirement. If you are approved to do so by your advisor, you do NOT need to take PBPL 398 and you do not need to complete this form.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Class Year *
Trinity College Email Address *
What is your PBPL Major Concentration? *
When did you/will you complete the 120-hour (minimum) internship associated with this seminar? *
Internship Organization/Firm Name *
On-site Internship Supervisor First Name *
On-site Internship Supervisor Last Name *
On-site Internship Supervisor Job Title *
On-site Internship Supervisor Email Address *
Internship Location. Please list city and state (or country, if relevant) e.g. Hartford, CT
I authorize PBPL faculty to contact my internship supervisor to verify this opportunity.  *
Please explain how your internship schedule will amount to the required, minimum 120 hours. *
Please explain how your internship is substantively related to your PBPL major concentration.
Please explain your internship responsibilities. What will you be doing/observing while you work at your internship (beyond errands and clerical tasks)?
We want to provide information to future PBPL students about internship opportunities. Would you be willing to have us list your name, class year, email, and the name of your internship organization in a database for PBPL students? (We will not provide the name or contact info for your supervisor.) PBPL students may reach out to you with questions about applying for an internship with this organization. *
(Optional) Please provide any further relevant information regarding your internship.
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