112暑期A類研究生助教申請表 Application of A Category T.A.  for Postgraduates

【提醒】為避免影響權益,A、C 類助教請『擇一申請』,切勿重複填表,若不慎重複送出表單,請聯繫化工系辦陳小姐#33613
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姓名 Name *
學號 Student ID No. *
Type of degree program *
年級 Grade *
指導教授 Advisor *
實驗室分機 Ext. of Lab *
手機 Cellphone *
E-mail *
多個E-mail請以分號區隔  (如:E-mail 1;E-mail 2)。 Please use ";" if you have more than one E-mail address.
畢業於 Graduate  from *
過去曾任助教或其他工作之經歷 Experience of TA or other job (Up to 3 items ) *
過去一年或目前在本校所領之補助(含計畫名稱)Scholarship received within past year (Including program's name) (Up to 3 items ) *
檢附歷年成績單(Chinese Full Academic Transcript) *
第一志願 First choice *
第二志願 Second choice *
第三志願 The last choice *
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