Graduate Student Association Survey
Graduate students at South, the Graduate Student Association has been approved as a student organization and we are ready to find out how we can best support you!

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is a student-run organization committed to advocating for the well-being of graduate students and enhancing the graduate student experience at South. GSA is dedicated to serving graduate students and providing a forum for graduate students to voice their concerns.

PS: Please note that this survey will only be reviewed by the GSA officers and advisor. If it needs to be presented, all personal information will be wiped to preserve anonymity!
Email *
Full Name *
Please indicate the degree program in which you are currently enrolled. *
If you indicated "other", please specify
Your Department *
How long have you been in your program? *
Do you have a graduate assistantship at South? *
Ranking Your Priorities
Graduate school is tough in its own right, but we should all have a place to turn for advocacy and support on campus. Below are a few areas graduate students have brought to our attention. Please think about what you consider your top three priorities, but there will be room at the end of this survey for you to talk about your other priorities as well.

Priorities List
a) Resource Center: A central hub for graduate students to find information on where to go for what they need.

b) Orientation: A graduate student orientation with a guide to resources within campus and within a student's department.

c) Grants/Funding Opportunities: Information for graduate students on opportunities regarding funding, grants, and extensions.

d) Graduate Assistantships: Information regarding positions available at the University, GA pay, GA workload, work environment, accommodations for graduate workers with disabilities, etc

e) Healthcare: Advocacy for graduate assistant benefits such as access and cost to healthcare

f) International students: specific concerns of graduate students who are mandated to have healthcare, the availabilities of options, etc

However, these are the issues we know of and we want to hear from you!

Please review the lists and use the drop down menus to indicate what you believe should be GSA's top three priorities.
First Priority *
Second Priority *
Third Priority *
Please explain any specific issues pertaining to the priorities you identified or share any other topics, issues, or concerns that you would like to share with GSA. We would love to hear your thoughts and perspectives!
The GSA is committed to the betterment of the graduate student experience at South. Please share moments where you have felt supported by South during your graduate student experience?
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