Volunteer Report Form for the 2023-24 School Year
Hi CCS families.  CCS requires families to serve volunteer hours every school year.  Here is what our policy reads:

In 2019 the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the proposal to require 10 hours of service from every CCS family. In 2022 the Education Committee updated the mandatory hours to be: 10 hours for families with students in PK-12th grade, 6 hours for families with students in the 3 day a week PS, and 4 hours for families with students in the 2 day a week PS.  CCS staff members that have children at CCS would be exempt from this requirement.

Why The Need For Mandatory Volunteering?

Galatians 6:10, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (ESV)

Service is an integral part of our vision statement as we are “equipping our students for a life of discipleship and service.” By modeling service through volunteering, our parents are partnering with us in our core values. CCS believes strongly that parent involvement not only models what Scripture calls us to do, but parent involvement has a strong positive effect on student achievement.

Children tend to work harder when they see parents investing in their education and working alongside them. The entire school family working together creates an enduring sense of community.

Tuition covers about 82% of tuition; fundraising covers the remaining 18%. Through volunteering parents are helping raise the additional 18% it costs to educate their child. Through a survey sent out last fall, it came to light that the same people were doing the same jobs year after year, sometimes leading to burn-out.

Mandatory volunteering allows us to share the responsibilities of the many jobs that need to be done in events and during the day at CCS.

What Happens If A Family Does Not Volunteer 10, 6, or 4 Hours Of Service?

Any family not fulfilling the CCS mandatory volunteering policy will be charged $15 per unfulfilled hour. If a family volunteered only 5 hours, leaving 5 hours unfulfilled, their tuition account would automatically be charged $75 at the end of the school year. 

Please use this form to record your volunteer hours.

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Parent Last Name *
Parent First Name *
Student Last Name (If Different from Parent Last Name)
Event or Activity You Volunteered At *
Number of Hours Your Family Volunteered  *
If your family joined you and volunteered their time too, please put in a total number of hours in which you volunteered.  For example, if my 2 children helped me weed the playground for 2 hours I would record 6 volunteer hours.  There were 3 of us weeding for 2 hours equaling 6 hours.
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