Address of Company or Organization (internship/worksite location) *
Your answer
Email *
Your answer
Phone *
Your answer
Internship Format *
Internship Timeline (check all that apply) *
How many Computer Science & IT interns would you like to host? *
Your answer
Is this internship paid (hourly or with a stipend) or unpaid? *
For paid internship positions: what is the hourly rate or stipend amount?
Your answer
Responsibilities (Please check all that apply. Check "Other" to add custom duties or responsibilities) *
Learning Objectives - what career knowledge will interns gain? (E.g. learn about variety of careers in the org & broader industry, training & educational requirements; job shadowing, career mentorship, etc.) *
Your answer
Skills Needed (Please check all that apply. Check "Other" to add custom skills) *
Will students need reliable transportation during the day in order to fulfill their duties? (Please note: most students do not have access to a vehicle, but nearly all can access reliable transportation to-and-from their internship site.) *
Please add any additional details, notes and/or comments about this internship position or any support you may need. *
Your answer
How did you hear about us? (formerly CaLL)
Colleague, returning internship employer, social media, career or networking event, etc.
Your answer
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